Retirement & Compensation (58)
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Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0016 PassedPublic employees; fraud, waste, abuse in state operations; change definitions Golick,Rich 34th
5/23/2007 House Date Signed by Governor Judy ETHICS -
02. Supreme Court 03. Court of Appeals 05. Superior Courts 06. State Courts 07. Juvenile Courts
08. Probate Courts 09. Magistrate Courts 10. Municipal Courts 12. All Courts Retirement & Compensation
HB 0086 MonitorTaxable net income; retirement benefits; military service; state tax; exempt Forster,Ronald 3rd
3/4/2008 House Committee Favorably Reported W&M --
02. Supreme Court 03. Court of Appeals 05. Superior Courts 06. State Courts 07. Juvenile Courts
08. Probate Courts 09. Magistrate Courts 10. Municipal Courts 12. All Courts Retirement & Compensation
HB 0116 MonitorSenior judge status; superior courts; leave office; provisions Scott,Austin 153rd
1/25/2007 House Second Readers Judy --
05. Superior Courts Retirement & Compensation
HB 0119 PassedCertain justices and judges; annual salaries; increase Willard,Wendell 49th
5/14/2008 House Date Signed by Governor Judy APPROP -
02. Supreme Court 03. Court of Appeals 05. Superior Courts 06. State Courts 07. Juvenile Courts
08. Probate Courts 09. Magistrate Courts 10. Municipal Courts 12. All Courts Retirement & Compensation
Vetoed 05/14/2008
HB 0120 PassedSupreme Court; Court of Appeals; certain judges; travel allowances; provide Willard,Wendell 49th
5/24/2007 House Date Signed by Governor Judy APPROP -
03. Court of Appeals 05. Superior Courts Retirement & Compensation
HB 0168 PassedAssociate juvenile court judges; appointment; change qualifications Mumford,Robert 95th
5/24/2007 House Date Signed by Governor JudyNC S JUDY -
05. Superior Courts 07. Juvenile Courts Retirement & Compensation
HB 0170 MonitorEmployees' Retirement System; temporary full-timeemployees; service; provisions Beasley-Teague,Sharon 65th
1/29/2007 House Second Readers Ret --
Retirement & Compensation
HB 0255 PassedPublic retirement systems; public employment related crime; expand definition Bridges,Ben 10th
5/6/2008 House Date Signed by Governor JudyNC RET -
05. Superior Courts 06. State Courts 09. Magistrate Courts Criminal Retirement & Compensation
HB 0309 MonitorEmployees' Retirement System; appellate court judges; benefits at 60; provide Fleming,Barry 117th
2/9/2007 House Second Readers Ret --
02. Supreme Court 03. Court of Appeals Retirement & Compensation
HB 0318 PassedPublic Retirement Systems Investment Authority Law; change certain provisions Benton,Tommy 31st
5/14/2007 House Date Signed by Governor Ret RET -
02. Supreme Court 03. Court of Appeals 05. Superior Courts 06. State Courts 08. Probate Courts
09. Magistrate Courts Retirement & Compensation
HB 0319 MonitorDistrict attorneys; increase annual salaries Fleming,Barry 117th
4/2/2008 Senate Tabled Judy APPROP -
05. Superior Courts 06. State Courts Retirement & Compensation
HB 0344 MonitorCircuit public defenders; certain retirement systems; membership; provisions Mumford,Robert 95th
2/6/2008 House Committee Favorably Reported Ret --
Pub. Def. Council Retirement & Compensation
HB 0348 MonitorGeorgia Judicial Retirement System; superior court judges secretaries; provide membership Mumford,Robert 95th
2/12/2007 House Second Readers Ret --
05. Superior Courts Retirement & Compensation
HB 0360 MonitorEmployees' Retirement System; transfer of creditable service; provisions Mumford,Robert 95th
2/12/2007 House Second Readers Ret --
02. Supreme Court 03. Court of Appeals 06. State Courts 08. Probate Courts 09. Magistrate Courts
Retirement & Compensation
HB 0373 PassedPublic Safety, Department of; State Patrol; retirement benefits; amend Bridges,Ben 10th
5/14/2008 House Date Signed by Governor Ret RET -
Retirement & Compensation
Vetoed 05/14/2008
HB 0379 MonitorEmployees' Retirement System; Defined Contribution Plan; provisions Coleman,Brooks 97th
2/13/2007 House Second Readers Ret --
02. Supreme Court 03. Court of Appeals 05. Superior Courts 06. State Courts 08. Probate Courts
09. Magistrate Courts Retirement & Compensation
HB 0459 PassedRockdale Judicial Circuit; judges; compensation supplement; change amount Mumford,Robert 95th
5/29/2007 House Date Signed by Governor LLeg SLGO -
05. Superior Courts Local Retirement & Compensation
HB 0521 MonitorEmployees' Retirement System; creditable service; Georgia Judicial Retirement System; provide Harbin,Ben 118th
3/5/2008 Senate Read and Referred Ret RET -
02. Supreme Court 03. Court of Appeals 05. Superior Courts 06. State Courts Retirement & Compensation
HB 0545 MonitorGeorgia Judicial Retirement System; creditable service; superior court judges and district attorneys; provisions Yates,John 73rd
3/6/2008 Senate Read and Referred Ret RET -
05. Superior Courts Retirement & Compensation
HB 0623 PassedCobb Judicial Circuit; superior court judges; provide supplement Golick,Rich 34th
5/29/2007 House Date Signed by Governor LLeg SLGO -
05. Superior Courts Local Retirement & Compensation
HB 0659 MonitorEmployees' Retirement System; certain military service; extend purchase date Powell,Alan 29th
3/19/2007 House Second Readers Ret --
02. Supreme Court 03. Court of Appeals 05. Superior Courts 06. State Courts Retirement & Compensation
HB 0678 MonitorEmployees' Retirement System; creditable service; provide Houston,Penny 170th
3/20/2007 House Second Readers Ret --
02. Supreme Court 03. Court of Appeals 05. Superior Courts 06. State Courts 08. Probate Courts
09. Magistrate Courts Retirement & Compensation
HB 0703 MonitorClayton County; Magistrate Court; chief magistrate; provide annual salary increases Jordan,Darryl 77th
3/29/2007 Senate Read and Referred LLeg SLGO -
09. Magistrate Courts Local Retirement & Compensation
HB 0794 MonitorEmployees' Retirement System; certain creditable military service; extend date to apply Coan,Mike 101st
4/10/2007 House Second Readers Ret --
02. Supreme Court 03. Court of Appeals 05. Superior Courts 06. State Courts 08. Probate Courts
Retirement & Compensation
HB 0820 PassedCobb County State Court; judges; change compensation Tumlin,Steve 38th
5/12/2008 House Date Signed by Governor LLeg SLGO -
06. State Courts Local Retirement & Compensation
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.