Legislation Assigned to the Senate Science and Technology Committee (5)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

SB 0082 NeutralNew GDOT Position - Chief Innovation Officer Brandon Beach
2/11/2019 Senate Read and Referred -Science and Technology -
2019/02/15 Report Econ. Dev. & Transportation Kathleen Bowen
This legislation authorizes the GDOT Director of Planning to appoint a chief innovation officer who will be responsible for the coordination and development of technology based improvements and solutions to transportation needs.
SB 0115 SupportAllow Out of State Physicians to Engage in the Practice of Telemedicine in Georgia Renee Unterman
7/1/2019 Effective Date Health and Human Services Science and Technology -
Debra Nesbit Health and Human Services
Senate Bill 115 amends the 'Medical Practice Act of the State of Georgia' by authorizing the Georgia Composite Medical Board to issue telemedicine licenses to physicians who are licensed in other states but not licensed in Georgia for the specific practice of telemedicine
SB 0118 SupportModernize Telemedicine Act -Require Insurers to Cover Telemedicine Services Renee Unterman
1/1/2020 Effective Date Insurance Science and Technology -
Debra Nesbit Health and Human Services
Senate Bill 118 modernizes the 'Georgia Telemedicine Act' by renaming it to the 'Georgia Telehealth Act'. The bill requires that each insurer that issues a health benefit policy provides coverage for the cost of healthcare services provided through telehealth or telemedicine services. The bill requires that insurers not exclude a service for coverage solely because the service is provided through telemedicine services and is not provided through in-person consultation or contact between a provider and a patient for services appropriately provided through telemedicine services. A health care provider or telemedicine company is not required to accept more reimbursement than they are willing to charge and payment for telemedicine interactions will include reasonable compensation to the originating or distant site for the transmission cost incurred during the delivery of healthcare services. Senate Bill 118 also requires insurers to reimburse the provider for the diagnosis, consultation, or treatment of the insured delivered through telemedicine services on the same basis and at least at the rate that the insurer is responsible for coverage for the provision of the same service through inperson consultation or contact.
SB 0476 WatchPets - Require Microchips Kay Kirkpatrick
6/15/2020 House Second Readers Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Science and Technology -
Animal Control General County Government Public Safety and Courts Todd Edwards
This bill requires pet dealers and pet adoption operations to microchip each dog and cat being sold or put up for adoption.    
SR 0133 NeutralUrging Atlanta Transit Link (ATL) To Use Technological Innovations Brandon Beach
4/2/2019 Senate Passed/Adopted -Science and Technology -
Econ. Dev. & Transportation Kathleen Bowen Transit
This resolution urges the Atlanta Transit Link (ATL) to prioritize and encourage the use technological innovation and the development of intelligent transportation systems. 
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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