Legislation Assigned to the Senate Government Oversight Committee (7)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0409 MonitorJudicial Legal Defense Fund Commission; establish Stan Gunter
5/2/2022 Effective Date 2022-07-01 Judiciary Government Oversight -
12. All Courts Civil
HB 0465 MonitorLocal government; imposing civil penalties upon an alarm systems contractor for a false alarm that occurs through no fault of alarm systems contractor; prohibit Joseph Gullett
5/3/2021 Effective Date 2021-05-03 Governmental Affairs Government Oversight -
12. All Courts Civil
SB 0023 MonitorState and Other Flags; local governments may relocate, remove, conceal, obscure, or alter certain monuments; provide Elena Parent
1/27/2021 Senate - Senate Read and Referred -Government Oversight -
SB 0095 MonitorState Government; conditions for meetings and public hearings to be held by teleconference in emergency conditions; provide Frank Ginn
3/29/2021 House - House Passed/Adopted Reconsidered Bill/Resolution By Substitute Governmental Affairs Government Oversight -
Court Technology
SB 0100 MonitorState Government; this state shall observe standard time year round; provide Ben Watson
4/21/2021 Effective Date 2021-07-01 State Planning and Community Affairs Government Oversight -
SB 0120 MonitorSolicitors-General of State Courts; honorary office of solicitor-general emeritus; provide Lindsey Tippins
3/2/2022 Effective Date 2022-03-02 Judiciary Government Oversight -
06. State Courts Court Administration
SB 0218 MonitorVacation of Office; suspension of compensation for certain public officers who are suspended because of indictment for a felony; provide Larry Walker
4/4/2022 Senate - Senate Conference Report Lost Judiciary Government Oversight -
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.