Legislation Sponsored by Beth Beskin (8)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0377 InactiveFulton County; Board of Commissioners; provide for position of chairperson Beth Beskin
5/2/2017 Effective Date Intragovernmental Coordination State and Local Governmental Operations -
Form of Government General County Government Local Legislation
HB 0439 InactiveAtlanta, City of; change corporate limits Beth Beskin
5/9/2017 Veto V6 Intragovernmental Coordination State and Local Governmental Operations -
Annexation/Municipalization General County Government Local Legislation
HB 0440 InactiveSandy Springs, City of; Fulton County; change corporate boundaries Beth Beskin
5/9/2017 Veto V7 Intragovernmental Coordination State and Local Governmental Operations -
Annexation/Municipalization Local Legislation
HB 0545 NeutralAtlanta, City of; ad valorem tax; residents in independent school district who are 70 years of age or older; provide homestead exemption Beth Beskin
3/9/2017 House Second Readers Intragovernmental Coordination --
Local Legislation Property Tax Revenue & Finance
HB 0679 NeutralElections - Define Municipal Voter Eligibility for those Recently Annexed or Deannexed Beth Beskin
2/1/2018 House Committee Favorably Reported By Substitute Governmental Affairs --
Annexation/Municipalization Elections General County Government Todd Edwards
With Georgia's ever-changing municipal landscape and creation of new cities, and to avoid confusion come election time, this legislation clarifies the eligibility of persons to vote (in city elections) following their annexation into a municipality.     
HB 0820 NeutralTax Digests and Temporary Collection Orders Beth Beskin
5/3/2018 Effective Date Ways and Means Finance -
2018/02/02 Report 2018/02/09 Report Larry Ramsey Property Tax Revenue & Finance
Originally, this bill establishes a new procedure that will apply to any county for which the state revenue commissioner did not approve a 2017 county tax digest and the county was granted by a court a temporary tax collection order in 2017.  In that limited circumstance, the temporary collection order shall apply to the next two years. During the collection period, the board of assessors is required to take corrective measures. Numerous criteria are set forth, but they are not required to be followed and need only be considered during the correction perio. The bill was completely changed in committee and is now a homestead exemption bill for the city of Atlanta.
HB 0892 NeutralAtlanta, City of; ad valorem tax; provide new homestead exemption Beth Beskin
2/13/2018 House Second Readers Intragovernmental Coordination --
Local Legislation Property Tax
HB 0893 NeutralAtlanta, City of; independent school district property tax; provide new homestead exemption Beth Beskin
2/13/2018 House Second Readers Intragovernmental Coordination --
Local Legislation Property Tax
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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