Legislation Sponsored by Renitta Shannon (5)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0175 EvaluatingNo Confederate Monuments on Public Property Renitta Shannon
2/8/2019 House Second Readers Governmental Affairs --
General County Government Todd Edwards
This legislation prohibits local governments from having a publicly or privately owned monument, memorial, plaque, marker, or memorabilia dedicated to, honoring, or recounting the Confederate States of America displayed on public property.  Such monuments may be displayed in museums.       
HB 0176 EvaluatingElections - All Offices Which Utilize Applications for Services are to be Voter Registration Agencies Renitta Shannon
2/8/2019 House Second Readers Governmental Affairs --
2019/02/08 Report Elections General County Government Todd Edwards
This legislation requires that all offices in the state "which utilize applications for services" serve as voter registration locations.    
HB 0634 NeutralLabor and industrial relations; employers to provide certain salary information; require Renitta Shannon
3/22/2019 House Second Readers Industry and Labor --
Intern 2 Local Legislation
HB 0636 EvaluatingUse of Force Data Collection Act; enact Renitta Shannon
3/22/2019 House Second Readers Public Safety and Homeland Security --
Debra Nesbit Law Enforcement Public Safety and Courts
HR 0138 EvaluatingElections - Require Georgia to Have Pre-approval of Elections Changes by Federal Government Renitta Shannon
2/8/2019 House Second Readers Governmental Affairs --
Elections General County Government Todd Edwards
This Resolution urges the U.S. federal government to once again require Georgia to seek pre-approval of any changes in its elections in order to prevent the state from implementing policies that discriminate against persons of color. 
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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