Legislation Sponsored by Gregg Kennard (5)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0300 MonitorLaw enforcement officers and agencies; define law enforcement officer; provisions Gregg Kennard
2/9/2021 House - House Second Readers Judiciary - Non-Civil --
09. Magistrate Courts Elections
HB 0335 MonitorCriminal procedure; no court shall impose a period of probation that exceeds 24 months; provide Gregg Kennard
2/10/2021 House - House Second Readers Judiciary - Non-Civil --
12. All Courts Criminal Sentencing
HB 0404 MonitorLaw enforcement officers and agencies; revise handling of arrest-only criminal history record information Gregg Kennard
2/16/2021 House - House Second Readers Judiciary - Non-Civil --
Court Technology Criminal
HB 0446 MonitorMotor vehicles; issuance of identification cards to persons completing a term of incarceration; provide Gregg Kennard
2/17/2021 House - House Second Readers Public Safety and Homeland Security --
12. All Courts Traffic Law
HB 0565 MonitorGeorgia Back to Life, Back to Work Act; enact Gregg Kennard
2/23/2021 House - House Second Readers Judiciary - Non-Civil --
12. All Courts Criminal Sentencing
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.