Legislation Sponsored by Niemann (4)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/26/2024

HB 0384 No PositionAdmissions and Amusement Tax - Returns and Penalties Niemann
4/3/2013 Senate - Hearing 4/03 at 1:00 p.m. WM BT -
01 - Taxes and Revenues - Kevin Drew
HB 1087 No PositionRecycling - Bars and Restaurants - Beverage Containers Niemann
3/25/2013 House - Unfavorable Report by Environmental Matters ECM --
09 - Environment - Alex
HB 1255 No PositionMotor Vehicles - Towing Services - Licensing Niemann
3/5/2013 House - Hearing 3/05 at 1:00 p.m. ENV --
21 - Transportation and Public Works - Drew Drew
HB 1279 No PositionStatewide Building Codes - Maryland Accessibility Code - Enforcement Niemann
5/2/2013 Senate - Approved by the Governor - Chapter 410 ENV EHE -
10 - Government Liability and the Courts - Michael
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.