Legislation Sponsored by Stephen Goldfinch (5)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 7/23/2024

H 3061 Imposes an additional surcharge on traffic offenses assigned six points or greaterSummary of the bill as introduced: Imposes an additional surcharge of $250 on conviction of traffic offenses assigned six points or other offenses from operating a motor vehicle while under the influence or driving with a suspended license.
Sponsor: Stephen Goldfinch House Com: Senate Com:
Status: House - Referred to Committee on Judiciary Status Date: 1/13/2015
Keywords: Finance/Revenue/Taxes Public Safety
Of Interest
H 3063 Requires funds to pay for an audit be included in a municipality's annual budgetSummary of the bill as introduced: Requires funds to pay for an audit be included in a municipality's annual budget and if that audit is not filed with the state treasurer within 13 months of the end of the audit year, the state payments to that municipality are suspended.
Sponsor: Stephen Goldfinch House Com: Senate Com:
Status: House - Member(s) request name added as sponsor: Pitts Status Date: 1/15/2015
Keywords: General Governance
Of Interest
H 3064 Increases the sales tax on motor vehicles and motorcyclesSummary of the bill as introduced: Increases the sales tax on motor vehicles and motorcycles from $300 to $750 after June 30, 2015 and directs the revenue from the increase to the state non-federal aid highway fund.
Sponsor: Stephen Goldfinch House Com: Senate Com:
Status: House - Referred to Committee on Ways and Means Status Date: 1/13/2015
Keywords: Sales Taxes
Of Interest
H 3066 Increases golf cart permit fees 01.13.2016 THe House Education and Public Works Transportation subcommittee adjourned debate on this bill.Summary of the bill as introduced: Increases the required golf cart permit fee from $5 to $50, and revenue from the increase must be given to the state non-federal aid highway fund.
Sponsor: Stephen Goldfinch House Com: Senate Com:
Status: House - Referred to Committee on Education and Public Works Status Date: 1/13/2015
Keywords: General Governance Week of 01.11.2016
Of Interest
H 3572 Requires golf carts to have a permit decal and registration01.13.2016 The House Education and Public Works Transportation subcommittee adjourned debate on this bill.Summary of the bill as introduced: Requires an owner of a golf cart to obtain a permit decal and registration to operate a golf cart along a public road or highway.
Sponsor: Stephen Goldfinch House Com: Senate Com:
Status: House - Referred to Committee on Education and Public Works Status Date: 2/11/2015
Keywords: Public Safety Transportation Week of 01.11.2016
Of Interest

Municipal Association of South Carolina
1411 Gervais St., PO Box 12109, Columbia, SC 29211
Phone: 803.799.9574, Fax: 803.933.1299, mail@masc.sc