Senator Breanne Davis of Russellville won a special election in 2018. She represents
District 25, which includes most of Pope and Conway Counties.
Senator Davis is the chair of the Senate Rules, Resolutions and Memorials Committee.
She is a member of the Senate Education Committee, the Senate City, County and
Local Affairs Committee, the Senate Interim Committee on Children and Youth
Committee, the Joint Budget Committee, Arkansas Legislative Council. Senator Davis
is serving as the Senate Majority Whip of the 95th General Assembly.
During the 94th General Assembly, Senator Davis was the lead sponsor of ACT 237 of
2023, commonly known as the LEARNS Act. The LEARNS Act made sweeping
reforms in school finance, literacy, teacher pay and parental choice.
In 2021 Senator Davis sponsored legislation to create "Lila's Law" which prohibits
discrimination against individuals with disabilities who need an organ transplant. She
sponsored legislation to mandate Medicaid coverage of continuous glucose monitors
for people with diabetes and to amend the law regulating paid canvassers for ballot
In 2019 she co-sponsored Act 198 to expand Internet access in small towns and rural
areas. She also co-sponsored laws to raise the maximum speed limit on interstates to
75 miles an hour, to strengthen investigations into maltreatment at long term care
facilities and to clarify implementation of Amendment 100, the Arkansas Casino
Gaming Amendment.
She has served on the Russellville School Board, for which she has been President,
Communications Liaison and Legislative Liaison.
She has served on the Arkansas Board of State Athletic Training, the Arkansas
Commission on Eye and Vision Care of School-Age Children, the Russellville
Downtown Master Planning Commission and Leadership Russellville.
Senator Davis graduated from Russellville High School and has a bachelor's degree in
speech communications from Arkansas Tech.
Senator Breanne Davis was the first member of the General Assembly to give birth
while in office, when she had a baby girl in the fall of 2018. She and her husband,
John-Paul, have two sons and two daughters. |