Bill (Bill) Huizenga (R-04)

US Representative Bill Huizenga

Bill (Bill) Huizenga (R-04)
Web Site - Twitter

Capitol: 202.225.4401
FAX: 202.226.0779
District: 269.569.8595
Room 2232 RHOB- Rayburn House Office Building 50 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20515-2204
5228 Lovers Lane
Portage, MI 49002
Residence:Zeeland, MI

Committee Assignments

Co-ChairGreat Lakes Task Force (Joint)
Co-ChairFriends of Switzerland
FC MemberCongressional Financial and Economic Literacy Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Caucus on Modern Agriculture
FC MemberNational Archives Caucus
Co-ChairCongressional Caucus on the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Co-ChairDutch Caucus
Co-ChairCongressional Financial Security and Life Insurance Caucus
Co-ChairCongressional Burma Caucus
ChairmanHouse Subcommittee on South and Central Asia
Vice ChairHouse Committee on Financial Services
FC MemberCongressional Balanced Budget Amendment Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Task Force
MemberHouse Subcommittee on Digital Assets, Financial Technology and Artificial Intelligence
MemberHouse Subcommittee on Financial Institutions
MemberHouse Subcommittee on Africa
FC MemberNorthern Border Security Caucus
FC MemberCongressional FinTech and Payments Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Caucus on Bosnia
FC MemberCongressional Direct Selling Caucus
FC MemberCongressional TRIO Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Dietary Supplement Caucus (CDSC)
FC MemberCongressional Immigration Reform Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Constitution Caucus
FC MemberFriends of Ireland Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Library of Congress Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Baseball Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Primary Care Caucus
FC MemberUnited States Coast Guard Caucus
FC MemberHouse Specialty Crops Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Real Estate Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Manufactured Housing Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Automotive Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Blockchain Caucus
FC MemberWhite Oak Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Caucus on Foster Youth
FC MemberCongressional Rural Caucus
FC MemberRural Health Care Coalition
FC MemberCongressional Ports Opportunity, Renewal, Trade, and Security [P.O.R.T.S.] Caucus
FC MemberDairy Caucus
FC MemberAmerican Canadian Economy and Security Caucus (ACES)
FC MemberCongressional Motorsports Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Farmer Cooperative Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Automotive Performance and Motorsports Caucus
MemberHouse Committee on Foreign Affairs
FC MemberHouse Small Brewers Caucus
FC MemberHouse Manufacturing Caucus
FC MemberValue Actions Team
FC MemberUSO Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Fire Services Caucus
FC MemberAir Force Caucus (House)
FC MemberCongressional Rural Broadband Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Boating Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Prayer Caucus
FC MemberRepublican Main Street Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Diabetes Caucus
FC MemberBipartisan Congressional Pro-Life Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Coalition on Adoption
FC MemberConservative Climate Caucus
FC MemberRepublican Study Committee (RSC)
FC MemberCongressional Sportsmen's Caucus


Congressman Bill Huizenga (HIGH-zen-guh) represents Michigan's 4th Congressional District. This district stretches along the shores of Lake Michigan to Battle Creek to include all of Allegan and Van Buren Counties as well as portions of Berrien, Calhoun, Kalamazoo, and Ottawa Counties. Michigan's 4th Congressional District is home to beautiful beaches, a diverse array of agriculture, and a strong manufacturing base. Since January of 2017, Congressman Huizenga has been elected by his colleagues to serve as a Co-Chair of the Great Lakes Task Force. This bipartisan group fosters cooperation and support for policies and programs that enhance the environmental health of the Great Lakes while also ensuring the full economic potential of the Great Lakes region is realized. As a bipartisan leader on the Great Lakes, Huizenga has successfully rallied bipartisan support for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI), a program that is vital to preserving and protecting the Great Lakes ecology while also promoting opportunities for the Great Lakes economy. The GLRI has had multiple success stories across Michigan and throughout the Great Lakes basin. Congressman Huizenga is also a founding member of the bipartisan PFAS Task Force. The goals of the Task Force include- educating members of Congress and the public about the potential impacts of PFAS; crafting bipartisan legislation to help communities recover from PFAS contamination, and working to determine the proper health and safety levels of PFAS. Bill believes residents in Southwest Michigan across the nation deserve to know the truth and the full picture about the health risks as well as the sources associated with PFAS and PFOAS. During the 118th Congress, Congressman Huizenga will serve as the Chairman of the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee on the House Financial Services Committee. This Subcommittee will oversee all agencies, departments, programs and matters within the Financial Services Committee's jurisdiction. Federal agencies under the purview of the Financial Service Committee include- The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), the Federal Reserve, the Department of Treasury, and the Government Sponsored Enterprises (Fannie & Freddie) to name a few. Congressman Huizenga will also serve as a member of the Subcommittee on Investor Protection, Entrepreneurship, and Capital Markets. This subcommittee spearheads efforts regarding all aspects of the Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) operations, activities, and initiatives to ensure that it fulfills its congressional mandate to protect investors, maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets, and facilitate capital formation. Rep. Huizenga has previously served on the Housing, Community Development, and Insurance Subcommittee as well as the Monetary Policy and Trade Subcommittee where he focused on restoring accountability and transparency to the Federal Reserve. For the first time, Congressman Huizenga will be serving on the House Foreign Affairs Committee. This committee has jurisdiction over national security as it pertains to foreign policy as well as oversight over the deployment and use of United States Armed Forces. Additionally the committee overseas dual use technology issues, matters pertaining to arms control and a host international programs and entities. Huizenga serves on both the Subcommittee on Europe as well as the Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere. Huizenga's interest in public service began when he was a young boy. When the family was gathered around the dinner table, his father would encourage thoughtful discussions surrounding business and politics. Huizenga went on to attend Holland Christian High School, and later received his bachelor's degree in Political Science from Calvin College. After college, Bill began his career as a Realtor and entrepreneur. Today, Bill co-owns Huizenga Gravel Inc. located in Jenison, MI. Prior to serving Michigan's 4th Congressional District, Congressman Huizenga represented Michigan's Second Congressional District from January 2011 until January 2023. Congressman Huizenga is a lifelong resident of Ottawa County, where he currently resides with his wife and children.

Election / Personal Info

First Elected: 2010    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Natalie   DOB: 1/31/1969
Counties Representing