Ben (Ben) Brown (R-26)

State Senator Ben Brown

Ben (Ben) Brown (R-26)
Email - Web Site - Twitter

Capitol: 573.751.3678
FAX: 573.751.2230
District: 314.807.9829
Room 430 State Capitol 201 West Capitol Avenue
Jefferson City, MO 65101
201 West Capitol Avenue
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Residence:Washington, MO

Committee Assignments


Senator Ben Brown was elected in 2022 to represent Franklin, Gasconade, Osage and Warren counties and the City of Eureka within St. Louis County. He attended Lafayette High School and the University of Missouri-Columbia before pursuing a professional career in Mixed Martial Arts. He has served as chair of Franklin County Central Committee as well as Missouri's National Committeeman for the Federation of Young Republicans. He has been honored with community awards from the Chesterfield Regional Chamber of Commerce and the Progress 64 West Alliance. Senator Brown has been a restauranteur and small business owner since 2013. He is the proud parent of three children who attend the School District of Washington, where the Brown family also resides.

Election / Personal Info

First Elected: 2022    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Danielle   
Counties Representing
St. Louis