Tracy (Tracy) Brown-May (D-42)

State Assembly Member Tracy Brown-May

Tracy (Tracy) Brown-May (D-42)
Email - Web Site - Twitter

Capitol: 775.684.8803
FAX: 775.684.8533
District: 702.612.0083
State Assembly Member
Room 3134-A Legislative Building 401 South Carson Street
Carson City, NV 89701-4747
7230 Amigo Street
Las Vegas, NV 89119-4306
Residence:Las Vegas, NV

Committee Assignments


Legislative Service Nevada Assembly, 2021-2025 (appointed February 2021)-three regular session and three special sessions 2023 SESSION COMMITTEES- Growth and Infrastructure (Vice Chair); Natural Resources; Ways and Means 2021 SESSION COMMITTEES- Government Affairs; Growth and Infrastructure; Natural Resources Other Public Service Nevada Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board, 2019-2020 Nevada Department of Transportation, Transportation Planning Advisory Committee, 2017-current Honors and Awards Asian Chamber of Commerce, Elected Official of the Year, 2022 A Team NV, Shining Star Award, 2018 Affiliations The Arc of Nevada, Director, 2022 - current A Team NV, Treasurer, 2014-2022 Boy Scouts of America, Disability Awareness Merit Badge Counselor, 2020 National Council of SourceAmerica Employers, Public Policy Committee, 2020 Opportunity Village, 2001-current The Crossing Church, Volunteer, 2018-current The League of American Bicyclists, 2021-current Together for Choice, Secretary, 2017-current Education College of Southern Nevada, A.A. (High Honors), Political Science Northeastern University, B.S. Personal Occupation- Nonprofit Executive / Disability Support Services Recreation- Cycling, fishing, writing Born- 1967, Holyoke, Massachusetts Spouse- Jeff May Children- Randi, Rena, Alexander

Election / Personal Info

First Elected: 2021    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Jeff May   
Counties Representing