Legislative Service
Nevada Senate, 2022-Present (appointed December, 2022)
Nevada Assembly, 2019-2022 (appointed December, 2018)-three regular sessions and three special sessions
2021 SESSION COMMITTEES- Health and Human Services (Chair); Judiciary (Vice Chair); Education
2019 SESSION COMMITTEES- Growth and Infrastructure; Health and Human Services; Judiciary
2019-2020 INTERIM COMMITTEE- Advisory Commission on the Administration of Justice (Chair); Committee to Conduct an Interim Study of Issues Relating to Pretrial Release of Defendants in Criminal Cases (Vice Chair); Nevada Sentencing Commission
University of Puget Sound, BA - Sociology, 1999
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Boyd School of Law, JD, 2002
Occupation- Attorney
Born- 1977 - Vancouver, Washington
Spouse- Matt Lay
Children- Henry and Hannah |