Mike (Mike) Simpson (R-02)

US Representative Mike Simpson

Mike (Mike) Simpson (R-02)
Web Site - Twitter

Capitol: 202.225.5531
FAX: 202.225.8216
District: 208.523.6701
Room 2084 RHOB- Rayburn House Office Building 50 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20515-1202
650 Addison Avenue West
Twin Falls, ID 83301
Residence:Idaho Falls, ID

Committee Assignments

ChairmanHouse Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies
FC MemberKenya Caucus
FC MemberHouse Trails Caucus
Co-ChairCongressional Oral Health Caucus
FC MemberNorthwest Energy Caucus
ChairmanNuclear Issues Working Group
Co-ChairDairy Caucus
Co-ChairCongressional TRIO Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Wounded to Work Caucus
ChairmanPotato Caucus
Co-ChairHouse Sugar Caucus
FC MemberCongressional WTO Caucus for Farmers and Ranchers
FC MemberCongressional Caucus on Lumber
Co-ChairHouse Outdoor Recreation Caucus (HORC)
FC MemberHouse Lumber Trade Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Public Health Caucus
FC MemberCongressional HUBZone Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Hydropower Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Mining Caucus
FC MemberHouse Afterschool Caucus
MemberHouse Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies
MemberHouse Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development, and Related Agencies
FC MemberCongressional Research and Development Caucus
FC MemberCongressional High Technology Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Private Property Rights Caucus
FC MemberSemiconductor Caucus
FC MemberRenewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Caucus
FC MemberCongressional International Creativity and Theft-Prevention Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Biotechnology Caucus
FC MemberZero Capital Gains Tax Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Nuclear Cleanup Caucus
MemberHouse Committee on Appropriations
FC MemberCongressional Arts Caucus
FC MemberVision Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Community Health Center Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Immigration Reform Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Navy and Marine Corps Caucus
FC MemberTennessee Valley Authority Congressional Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Caucus to Fight and Control Methamphetamine
FC MemberCongressional Addiction, Treatment and Recovery Caucus (ATR)
FC MemberCongressional Bike Caucus
FC MemberHouse Specialty Crops Caucus
FC MemberNextGen 9-1-1 Caucus
FC MemberHouse Beef Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Caucus on Unmanned Systems (UAV)
FC MemberUnexploded Ordnance (UXO)/Demining Caucus
FC MemberRural Health Care Coalition
FC MemberBipartisan Wildfire Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Native American Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Direct Selling Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Assisting Caregivers Today (ACT) Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Cystic Fibrosis Caucus
FC MemberGOP Doctors Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Farmer Cooperative Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Heart and Stroke Coalition
FC MemberCongressional Down Syndrome Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Fertilizer Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Caucus on U.S.-Turkiye Relations and Turkish Americans
FC MemberU.S.-Japan Caucus
FC MemberHouse Impact Aid Coalition
FC MemberCongressional Travel and Tourism Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Wine Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Working Forests Caucus
FC MemberHouse Small Brewers Caucus
FC MemberUSO Caucus
FC MemberInternational Conservation Caucus (ICC)
FC MemberCongressional Rare Disease Caucus
FC MemberNational Guard and Reserve Components Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Career and Technical Education Caucus (CTE)
FC MemberCongressional Rural Broadband Caucus
FC MemberHouse General Aviation Caucus
FC MemberRepublican Main Street Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Diabetes Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Western Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Taiwan Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Sportsmen's Caucus


Mike Simpson is serving his thirteenth term in the House of Representatives for Idaho's Second Congressional District. Simpson serves on the House Appropriations Committee. He is Chairman of the House Interior and Environment Subcommittee and also serves on the House Energy and Water Development Subcommittee as well as the Labor, Health and Human Services, Education Subcommittee. These committees have jurisdiction over funding for several agencies and programs critical to Idaho including the Department of Energy, the Department of the Interior, the Forest Service, the National Parks Service, the National Endowment for the Arts, the Smithsonian Institute, and the Department of Labor. Simpson is one of the House's leading advocates for a new energy policy and a renewed commitment to research and development of improved nuclear energy technologies. Simpson has also gained national attention for his bill to split the massive, overburdened 9th Circuit Court of Appeals as well as his Sawtooth National Recreation Area and Jerry Peak Wilderness Additions Act which addresses the concerns of economic growth and stability for rural Idaho and resolves long time wilderness debate over the Boulder-White Clouds and was signed into law in August of 2015. Simpson has long championed a fix to fire borrowing, having authored the Wildfire Disaster Funding Act. Simpson's leadership led to the passage of the FY18 Omnibus Spending Bill that provided historic forest management reforms, most notably treating wildfires like other natural disasters for budgetary purposes. Simpson also authored the framework for the Great American Outdoors Act, which was signed into law on August 4, 2020. The legislation secured permanent funding for the existing Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), which has been a historically important program to conserving public lands and improving outdoor recreation opportunities. In the 116th and 117th Congresses, Simpson has also championed the Farm Workforce Modernization Act (FWMA), a common-sense workforce solution for American agriculture. The bill has support from 300 agricultural groups, over 40 of which are from Idaho. This legislation makes meaningful reforms to the H-2A agricultural guest worker program and will provide economic stability to our rural communities while making our country safer by creating a legal, merit-based agriculture immigration system that allows our valuable law enforcement resources to focus on the bad actors. The FWMA has passed twice in the House of Representatives. His political career began in 1980, when he was elected to the Blackfoot City Council. In 1984, he was elected to the Idaho Legislature where he served until 1998, the last six years serving as Speaker. Simpson was born in Burley, Idaho and raised in Blackfoot. He graduated from Utah State University and earned his DMD from Washington University School of Dental Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. After graduation, he joined his father and uncle at the Simpson Family Dental Practice in Blackfoot. Simpson married his high school sweetheart, Kathy, and they have been married for over 50 years. He is an avid golfer and reader who also enjoys painting and experiencing the exceptional scenery Idaho has to offer, with Kathy and their dog Charley.

Election / Personal Info

First Elected: 1998    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Kathy Johnson   DOB: 9/8/1950
Counties Representing