Blair (Blair) Eddins (R-094)

State Representative Blair Eddins

Blair (Blair) Eddins (R-094)
Email - Web Site

Capitol: 919.733.5935
FAX: 919.733.2599
District: 919.733.5935
North Carolina House of Representatives
Room 2219 Legislative Building 16 West Jones Street
Raleigh, NC 27601-1096
16 West Jones Street
Raleigh, NC 27601-1096

Committee Assignments

Committee Assignments


Born into a North Carolina farming family, Blair Eddins grew up knowing first-hand the value of hard work and the importance of agriculture in our State's economy. Farming grain and tobacco and eventually expanding into livestock motivated him to pursue a degree in agriculture from North Carolina State University, where he graduated with degrees in Agriculture Business Management and Field Crop Technology. Our State has been blessed with a vital farming and agriculture industry. As a state representative, Blair will work to keep our local farms thriving. At age 22, Blair surrendered his life to the Lord. Blair believes the Bible is the inspired word of God. Many of the problems we face today are because we have turned our backs on God and disregarded the Bible. In addition to farming and agriculture, Blair has owned and operated several successful businesses. From grading and landscaping to commercial and residential real estate development, Blair knows what it takes to own and operate a business. He has first-hand experience with the daily challenges small business owners in our communities face. Economic growth is not produced by expanding government but by cutting the red tape and overbearing government regulations that smother our small businesses and squash innovation. Blair has been married to his wife, Angie, for 27 years and together they have two children- Aaron (Sergeant, U.S. Army) and Amanda (obtaining Master's Degree in Occupational Therapy). An active church and local community member, Blair has served on personnel committees and chaired finance committees. He served on the board of directors of Alpha International Ministries. Blair has volunteered to travel overseas with his church and non-profit organizations, helping those in need and engaging in mission opportunities. Today, Blair works at Samaritan's Purse in North Wilkesboro. Blair Eddins believes North Carolina is one of the greatest states in our country. He sees and understands the issues facing our State and our district. He is driven to succeed and will spend time with the people of Wilkes and Alexander County, listening to their concerns and hearing their ideas. Together, we must hold Raleigh accountable to the founding principle of limited government, ensuring that our elected officials represent us well and stand up for the people of North Carolina.

Election / Personal Info

First Elected: 2024    Next Election: 2026
Counties Representing