Richard (Rich) DeLong (R-26)

State Assembly Member Richard DeLong

Richard (Rich) DeLong (R-26)
Email - Web Site - Twitter

Capitol: 775.684.8848
FAX: 775.684.8533
District: 775.476.2321
State Assembly Member
Room 3116-A Legislative Building 401 South Carson Street
Carson City, NV 89701-4747
59 Damonte Ranch Parkway
Reno, NV 89521

Committee Assignments


Rich DeLong is a geologist, natural resource manager, and businessman. He has three adult daughters. He recently married his wife, Julie, and they have a daughter in high school. Rich has a Bachelor's degree and Master's degree in geology and a Master's degree in Natural Resource Management. He started working in Nevada as an exploration geologist over 40 years ago and has lived in the Truckee Meadows for over 30 years. In 1988 he began his consulting career managing the Nevada operations for an environmental consulting company involved in natural resources development projects. In 2000, he founded and then built a successful consulting business supporting the exploration and mining industry in Nevada. In 2021 he sold the business and now provides his expertise and experience to the new company. In 2005 Governor Guinn appointed him to the Nevada Commission on Minerals Resources and he was reappointed three times by successive governors, serving a total of 16 years. For the last four years on the commission, he was voted Chairman by his fellow commissioners. In addition, he served for a number of years as Chairman of the University of Nevada College of Science Advisory Board. Rich enjoys hiking with his family's dog in the mountains around the Truckee Meadows, exploring Nevada, and golfing.

Election / Personal Info

First Elected: 2022    Next Election: 2024
Counties Representing