The Homework Spot
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This free online homework resource center developed by educators, students, parents and journalists breaks through the information overload of the Web to bring the best sites for K-12 students together with educational editorial in one user-friendly spot. simplifies the search for homework help, including subject-specific resources for English, math, science, social studies, art, music, technology, foreign language, health and more. Sites are organized by grade level. The site also features a top-notch reference center, current events, virtual field trips and expeditions, extracurricular activities and study breaks, parent and teacher resources and much more.
Sponsoring organization:
Submitted by:Brenda Mercer
Date Submitted:5/6/2005
Date Updated:3/7/2016

LibraryArt Internet Sites / Books, Videos and Materials Sites / ELA Sites / Elementary School Internet Sites / Health Education / High School Internet Sites / Math / Middle School Internet Sites / Reading Sites / Science Sites / Social Studies/History Sites / Technology