Capitol Report -- Day 16, 2015
Staff on 2/19/2015


DAY 16

After a weather delayed start of the day, the House Education Academic Support Sub Committee heard HB131, End to Cyberbullying and voted to move the bill forward to the entire House Education Committee. The committee also held hearings on HB7, Child Safety and Emergency Planning and HB135, Too Young to Suspend. No vote was taken on either of the bills. The bills will stay in sub committee and may be brought forward to be studied during the year.

The House Public Safety and Homeland Security Sub Committee heard HB186, Weapons in School Safety Zone. The bill will move to full committee. The full House Public Safety and Homeland Security Committee meeting was cancelled.

The House Appropriations Health Sub Committee met for Public Comment on the FY16 budget. The House has agreed to have the FY16 budget completed and sent to the Senate by February 26th.

On Wednesday there will be a  joint House and Senate meeting to hear testimony on SR 80, regarding AP American History. A resolution is only a recommendation from the House or Senate. It cannot become a law.