Capitol Report -- Day 34, 2015
Staff on 3/24/2015


Day 34

As we move through the 139th legislative session, the Senate and House passed the following education related bills, as of March 23, 2015.

HB164, as passed by the House, this bill will extend the suspension of the professional learning requirements until the new regulations are in place. — PASSED BY THE SENATE on March 23, 2015.

HB75, the midterm FY15 budget. This bill has been signed by the Governor, and schools have already received their midterm adjustment sheets. — SIGNED by the Governor

HB76, the FY16 budget. The Senate and House have agreed to most recommendations by the Governor, but there are some differences that will likely result in the bill going to a conference committee this week.


HB170, the Transportation Funding Act of 2015. The Senate and House versions of this bill are very different. There will be considerable negotiations needed this week in order for this bill to make it through the legislative process prior to the end of the 40th day. The Senate version of the bill does not require counties or school systems to spend part of their SPLOST and/or eLOST funds on transportation. It should be assigned to conference committees for final negotiations and approval before the end of the 40th day.


The House Education Committee PASSED SR287, to allow for the establishment of the OSD, and also an amended version of SB133, the establishment of the Opportunity School District for the supervision of public elementary and secondary schools that are failing. Both of these bills now move on to the House Rules Committee for a vote. A full House vote should occur this week. A two thirds majority vote is needed on the House floor for the constitutional amendment, SR287.

The Senate Education and Youth Committee met today and passed:

HB401, Early Care and Learning clean-up bill. — PASSED – Moves on to Senate Rules Committee.

Several other bills were heard, but no vote was taken on them.

The one of interest is HB502, the Title 20 clean-up bill. There will be an amendment to this bill, ADDING language to Section 25 regarding 1st and 2nd grade formative assessments in reading and math. This bill should be back on the committee agenda on Wednesday.


The House Rules calendar for Tuesday has one education related bill on it at this time.

SB2 ,the Move on When Ready bill that will allow students who complete certain requirements relating to postsecondary coursework to be awarded a high school diploma. This bill has been amended to remove the age 16 requirement.

The House may have a supplemental calendar on any day.

The Senate Rules calendar will have the full Senate voting on:

HB62, to waive certain qualifications for a student whose parent is an active duty military service member stationed in Georgia within the previous year to receive the Special Needs Scholarship.

HB198, Suicide Prevention Training Act.

There are a number of committee meetings on the agenda today to consider education related bills.

We will report on the ones that make it out of committee.

There are now only six days left in the legislative session which is schedule to conclude on April 2nd. If you have any questions about the legislative session, please feel free to contact me at

Hope you have a great week.