What the infrastructure overhaul may mean for ag:
Story Date: 12/22/2017


Senate Commerce Chairman John Thune (R-S.D.) will be actively involved with President Donald Trump's $1 trillion overhaul of U.S. infrastructure in January. Pro Transportation's Brianna Gurciullo spoke with him about how the initiative is shaping up. As a senator from a rural state, Thune has particular insights on what farmers, ranchers and other ag industries will be looking for in investments. A few highlights of interest to MA readers include:

Trump's approach to rural infrastructure: "I don't think anybody had big problems with it. I think the big question for us was: 'How do you fund it?' ... But I think at least in terms of the structure of it, it probably makes sense."

How local governments will carry their burden: "There are some states probably who could do more. I mean our state really has stepped up. Our governor just in the last few years raised the fuel tax in South Dakota significantly. And there have been a couple of other states that have done that. 

"But I think if states want to become bigger partners, there should be a benefit to that. I mean, I think states that are willing to assume a bigger share or match, in terms of the funding for these types of projects, that at least in theory makes sense to me."

Which funding solutions Thune would rule out: "As a conservative, I think you ought to be offended by the fact that we borrow money to pay for infrastructure. If we're going to build things in this country, we need to figure out a way to pay for it. So I think at this point in the conversation, [we want to] try and not take options off the table, and I think we have to be willing to entertain and listen to people's ideas about how we do that."

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