Democratic leadership applauds House passage and inclusion of ag and forestry priorities in Build...
Story Date: 11/22/2021


Source:  US HOUSE AG COMMITTEE, 11/19/21

Democratic leaders of the House Agriculture Committee issued the following statement applauding House passage and inclusion of agriculture and forestry priorities in the Build Back Better Act:

“I am very pleased with House passage of the Build Back Better Act and the inclusion of the Committee’s agriculture and forestry priorities. These investments are critical to helping American agriculture address and deal with the impacts of climate change,” said Chairman David Scott. “I am proud of the work that the House Agriculture Committee has done to see these provisions included in the Build Back Better Act, and I look forward to getting this critical package passed into law.” 

“These provisions in the Build Back Better plan include resources in forestry and conservation programs  to address the growing climate crisis on our National Forest System land and private agricultural and forest land; investments to modernize and innovate energy production and infrastructure  in our rural communities;  debt relief provisions to help provide assistance for our farmers and ranchers, especially coming off of the COVID-19 pandemic; and importantly, research and scholarship funding to ensure our Land-Grant University System can help us train the next generation of scientists and address the impacts of climate change.” Chairman David Scott continued.

“We are building back better for America! This critical legislation provides game-changing investments in people and is the most significant boost to our nation’s middle class in generations. This is a win for California, the San Joaquin Valley, and our nation,” said Rep. Jim Costa

“I have seen firsthand how Central Virginia farmers use voluntary conservation practices to care for their land, improve crop quality, and protect the health of our soil and water. As Chair of the Conservation and Forestry Subcommittee, I am proud that this legislation makes a once-in-a-generation investment in existing, voluntary USDA conservation programs building on the climate-smart steps farmers are already taking to leave a healthier climate for future generations,” said Rep. Abigail Spanberger. “I am also proud that this legislation includes my bipartisan legislation to help growers, producers, and rural communities invest in clean energy, energy efficiency, and energy storage. Together, we can protect our planet and make these communities more energy independent.”

"The Build Back Better Act is once in a lifetime legislation that delivers for all Americans by improving our workforce, investing in our care and education systems, and expanding opportunities for the middle class. This bill delivers on the promises that I made to my community when I became a Member of Congress. The bill tackles issues that matter deeply to my constituents, from lowering the costs of prescription drugs to quality child and elder care, to helping to prevent child hunger and expanding apprenticeships. The Build Back Better Act is a shining example of government working for the people," said Rep. Jahana Hayes.

“Over the last few years, family farmers have faced trade instability, a global pandemic and an increase in extreme weather events. That’s why I’m so pleased that the Build Back Better Act will invest in rural America and deliver for our Ag community,” said Rep. Cheri Bustos. “With $12 billion in debt relief for economically distressed farmers and other at-risk producers, $1 billion to support job growth, build economic resilience and aid economic recovery in rural communities and $960 million to invest in biofuels infrastructure, this legislation will help us take on the issues impacting farmers and expand markets for ag commodities.”

“With the Build Back Better Act, we are creating good-paying jobs, investing in a strong economic recovery, and ensuring that children, families, and all of our communities can compete and succeed in the 21st century. Build Back Better fights inflation because it is paid for, and because it helps working people return to the workforce, increasing supply. We are at an inflection point. It is our moment to make real progress in the lives of everyday Americans. History will point to this time and this law as a significant leap forward for the overall success of this country. I ask my colleagues on the other side through the chair: What side do you want to be remembered for, helping the average American, or the rich and powerful? Let’s make a difference for so many American families. Support this bill to Build Back a Better future,” said Rep. Stacey Plaskett.

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