U.S. beef will take ‘as open a market as we can get’ in Japan: Vilsack
Story Date: 4/1/2010


Source:  Tom Johnston, MEATINGPLACE.COM, 3/31/10

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack told reporters in a media briefing Tuesday that he will not demand that Japan fully reopen its market to U.S. beef products as the Obama administration takes a kinder, gentler approach to the trade dispute.

Vilsack is slated to visit Tokyo from April 5 through April 9 to promote U.S. agricultural exports as part of the Obama administration's recently announced efforts to double overall U.S. exports in the next five years.

Vilsack said expansion of U.S. beef access to Japan is an important part of that initiative, but the strategy will differ from the Bush administration's approach in that it will focus first on talking through respective concerns in order to "create and develop a structure that ultimately leads to the reopening of that market," as opposed to making demands.

The former administration rejected Japan's proposal to allow imports of U.S. beef from cattle 30 months of age or younger, instead demanding full market access. Japan's limit currently stands at 20 months or younger.

Asked whether Washington's new approach would be to seek a 30-month limit as a gradual step toward full reopening, Vilsack said only that the United States ultimately seeks a protocol that is compliant with OIE guidelines. The international body says U.S. beef is safe regardless of cattle age.

"Ultimately, we want as open a market as we can get and want Japanese consumers to have as much choice as they want," Vilsack said.

Vilsack is making his fourth trip to Japan. He visited three times as governor of Iowa. He said he has made more trips to Japan than to any other foreign country, and hopes that his personal connection helps open doors there.

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