Hagan urges support for manufacturers in climate legislation
Story Date: 4/20/2010

  Source:  Press Release, 4/19/10

U.S. Senator Kay R. Hagan (D-NC) and a group of Moderate Democrats have sent a letter to Senators Kerry, Graham, Lieberman, the lead authors of clean energy legislation, urging them to include measures that will strengthen the American manufacturing sector as the country transitions to clean, American-made power.
“This plan must promote manufacturing competitiveness, create and maintain American jobs, and recognize that a strong manufacturing base is a prerequisite for both a domestic clean energy economy and long-term economic recovery and growth,” wrote the Senators. “Our nation’s economic future depends both on our global competitiveness and access to reliable energy sources…A strong manufacturing base is crucial if the United States is to build the clean energy technologies of the future and achieve energy independence.”
According to the National Association of Manufacturers, in 2008, manufacturing made up 19.5% of North Carolina’s economy with an output of $78 billion. That year, the industry employed 514,000 individuals across the state.  Hagan has emphasized she will not support legislation that would stifle growth and competitiveness in North Carolina.
“As an energy-intensive manufacturer, I appreciate and applaud Senator Hagan’s efforts to ensure that federal climate legislation will preserve and enhance our company’s ability to compete globally and provide the high-quality product that our customers throughout the world have come to expect,” said Allen Gant, President of Glen Raven, Inc. in Glen Raven, NC.  “Our Company is very aware of the “green” desires of our customers, shareholders, employees and other friends and we look forward to working with Senator Hagan to ensure that the priorities identified in this letter are included in any final comprehensive energy legislation.  These principles will go a long way towards increasing American competiveness and preserving jobs for North Carolinians.”
The letter emphasized the need for a “multi-pronged strategy to maintain and strengthen our industrial base and the millions of manufacturing jobs critical for our economic recovery.” The senators highlighted the following provisions that they would like to see included in any federal climate legislation:
•     Tax incentives and low-interest loans that will allow American manufacturers to retool their production and encourage investments in clean energy products
•     Support for public-private partnerships to promote research, development and deployment of low-carbon industrial technologies
•     Cost-containment provisions to hold down energy costs and maintain a level playing field for domestic manufacturers
•     An eased transition to a low-carbon economy by phasing-in changes for manufacturers
•     Measures to promote comparable action from other countries to prevent “carbon leakage” and ensure that climate legislation is trade-neutral
•     Clarification of federal and state greenhouse gas standards to ensure uniformity for manufacturers operating across state lines
•     Economic adjustment assistance and worker training to help communities build sustainable foundations for their economies

In addition to Hagan, the letter was signed by Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio, Senator Debbie Stabenow of Michigan, Senator Carl Levin of Michigan, Senator Robert Casey Jr. of Pennsylvania, Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, Senator Mark Warner of Virginia, Senator Claire McCaskill of Missouri, Senator Evan Bayh of Indiana and Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia.


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