Shuler makes history
Story Date: 1/6/2011


Source:  Press Release, 1/5/11

U.S. Representative Heath Shuler continued working to show the need for a more moderate and consensus-building course for the Democratic Party in the House of Representatives by running for Speaker of the House against Reps. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and John Boehner (R-OH), despite knowing the attempt would not be successful.

“The American people are tired of the usual partisan bickering and gridlock that prevents us from moving our country forward,” Shuler said. “We need more moderate voices in Congress -- on both sides of the political aisle -- that represent the majority of Americans, not just the fringes on the right and left. That’s what this campaign was about.”

Shuler received a total of eleven votes, including the support of fellow North Carolinians Larry Kissell and Mike McIntyre, in what is typically a straight party-line vote between two candidates. A total of nineteen Democrats declined to support re-electing former Speaker Nancy Pelosi to the post.

Rep. Mike Ross (D-AK), who supported Shuler for Speaker said, “I proudly voted for Heath Shuler as I have known him for many years and have come to deeply respect him as a person and as a leader in the Congress. He is a fellow leader of the Blue Dog Coalition, a fiscal conservative, and someone who fights for working families in his home state and all across America. Heath Shuler’s bipartisan, commonsense approach to legislating is something that would have served this nation well.”

“The American people expect us to work for them, not for political parties,” Shuler concluded. “Today, Speaker Boehner and Minority Leader Pelosi both spoke about working together. I am hopeful that as we begin this new Congress we will be able to do just that. I look forward to working with the leadership of both parties and will hold them accountable for the promises they made today.”   



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