Update from Sen. Richard Burr
Story Date: 2/28/2011


Source:  Senator Richard Burr, 2/25/11

With the Senate in recess this week, I was able to travel throughout Durham, Wake, Davie, Iredell, Gaston and Mecklenburg counties to speak with students and tour small businesses in the area.


During my travels, I have had many great conversations about how legislation in Washington is impacting businesses throughout North Carolina.  What I have been able to take away from these Chamber lunches, Rotary meetings and visits to small businesses is that it is time for Washington to put words into action and pursue sound economic policies that will allow predictability and spur job growth.


On Wednesday, I had the chance to stop by WNCN’s studio in Raleigh and sit down with Kim Genardo to talk about a number of issues facing North Carolina and our country. To watch the interview, please click here.


Also this week, the President announced that he will not permit the Department of Justice to defend the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act. Traditional marriage is a core value that has strengthened our nation, and it is a value that is protected by federal law.  By ordering the Attorney General to stop defending federal law in court, the President is taking another step towards politicizing the Justice Department.  It is the President's job to defend the laws of the land or pursue legislation in Congress to change them.


Next week, the Senate will be back in session and will address a continuing resolution, or “CR,” to fund the operations of federal agencies past March 4th. I know there has been much discussion about a government shutdown, but I am hopeful that the current impasse will not lead to a shutdown. There will be vigorous debate in the Senate in the coming weeks, and cuts will have to be made in order to get our country back on the right track. Republicans in the Senate are making are making a serious effort to cut spending so that we can avoid even more painful choices down the road. 

Be sure to stay tuned to my
website and Facebook page, and follow me on Twitter for timely updates from Washington. 



U.S. Senator Richard Burr


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