McIntyre: Action on gas prices
Story Date: 3/10/2011


Source: Congressman Mike McIntyre, 3/9/11


As the price of gas continues to soar at the pump, I have heard from many families and businesses that are feeling the pinch of high gasoline prices. While travelling home virtually every weekend to meet with constituents all over Southeastern North Carolina, I see the cost of gas rising. The increase in gas prices makes it difficult for working families to get back and forth to work, for businesses to keep their costs low, and for school districts to transport their students.

There are many ideas being discussed on how to address rising gas prices! Please fill out this survey so that I can hear your opinions on this critical issue.



If you believe that a gas station is gouging customers, I encourage you to report it to the North Carolina Department of Justice.

As you know, our nation’s demands for energy to power vehicles, homes, and businesses are growing every day. It is imperative that this nation have a plan to expand energy generation from clean, homegrown sources to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and create good paying jobs right here at home! There is incredible potential for this next generation of energy technology to bring amazing economic opportunity to rural and coastal areas like Southeastern North Carolina.

If you have further concerns about energy policy, I encourage you to send me an e-mail at 


U.S. Congressman Mike McIntyre
Representing the 7th District of North Carolina



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