Reps. McIntyre & Miller join House Democrats in unveilng “The Make It in America” agenda
Story Date: 5/5/2011


Source:  PRESS RELEASE, 5/4/11

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Rep. Brad Miller Joins House Democrats in Unveiling “The Make It in America” Agenda


Today, Rep. Miller joined House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD-05) and House Democrats in unveiling the “Make It In America” agenda for the 112th Congress, a plan to support job creation by encouraging businesses to make innovative products in the United States and sell them to the world. The agenda strengthens U.S. infrastructure and supports investments in key areas like education and energy innovation. This effort builds on House Democrats' actions to create jobs and continue growing the economy and focuses on investing in key priorities while cutting wasteful spending.

“Manufacturing continues to drive our economic recovery.” Rep. Miller said. “The “Make it in America” agenda is aimed at building on manufacturing growth. We must remain committed to making sound investments in our ability to out-educate, out-innovate and out-build our competitors so that we can strengthen American competitiveness, create jobs and ensure American workers can make it in America.”
Rep. Miller introduced a bill that has been included in the “Make It In America” agenda - the Energy Critical Elements Renewal Act of 2011.

“I’m proud that my bill is part of the 'Make It In America’ agenda,” said Rep. Miller.  “The United States used to be a leader in rare earths manufacturing, which are a type of energy critical element.  This bill will reinvest in our research and development in order to attract and retain the manufacturing firms and technical expertise needed to ensure a reliable supply of energy critical elements.”

Since launching the Make It In America agenda in the previous Congress, President Obama has signed six “Make It In America” bills into law:
• U.S. Manufacturing Enhancement Act: Makes it cheaper for American companies to obtain the materials they need to manufacture goods.
• Protecting American Patents: Helps unclog the backlog of 1.2 million patent applications so innovative ideas can move to market more quickly.
• Preventing Outsourcing: Prevents the outsourcing of U.S. jobs by closing tax loopholes that encourage companies to send U.S. jobs overseas.
• Small Business Jobs Act: Expands much needed lending to millions of small businesses and offers tax incentives to help small businesses grow, hire, and fuel our economy, without adding a dime to the deficit.
• Energy Jobs and Training for Veterans Act: Provides grants for programs to provide on-the-job training, apprenticeship, real experience, and long-term employment in all energy fields.
• COMPETES Act: Establishes innovative technology federal loan guarantees for small- and medium-sized manufacturers and invests in science, technology, engineering, and math education.

McIntyre Helps Unveil “Make It In America” Agenda

Today, Representative Mike McIntyre joined several of his colleagues in unveiling the “Make It In America” agenda for the 112th Congress.  This is a plan to support job creation today and in the future by encouraging businesses to make products and innovate in the US and sell it to the world through strengthening our infrastructure and supporting investments in key areas like education and energy innovation.

“Make It In America is focused on when we make more products in America more families are able to Make It In America,” said McIntyre.   “In North Carolina, we know the importance of manufacturing and have seen first-hand the detrimental effect that so called “free trade” agreements have had on our local economy.  We need to invest right here at home so our families and communities can help drive our economic recovery.  Make It In America is good for Southeastern North Carolina and good for our nation.  Let’s get moving on it!”  

The Make It In America agenda unveiled today encompasses a range of issues that all help to create an environment where manufacturers and small businesses can expand and create jobs here.  Some of those bills include:
• National Manufacturing Strategy
• Build American Jobs Act
• Strengthening Employment Clusters to Organize Regional Success Act
• Keep American Jobs from Going Down the Drain Act
• American Manufacturing Efficiency and Retraining Investment Collaboration
Since launching the Make It In America agenda in the previous Congress, the President has signed six “Make It In America” bills into law:
• U.S. Manufacturing Enhancement Act: Makes it cheaper for American companies to obtain the materials they need to manufacture goods.
• Protecting American Patents: Helps unclog the backlog of 1.2 million patent applications so innovative ideas can move to market more quickly.
• Preventing Outsourcing: Prevents the outsourcing of U.S. jobs by closing tax loopholes that encourage companies to send U.S. jobs overseas.
• Small Business Jobs Act: Expands much needed lending to millions of small businesses and offers tax incentives to help small businesses grow, hire, and fuel our economy, without adding a dime to the deficit.
• Energy Jobs and Training for Veterans Act: Provides grants for programs to provide on-the-job training, apprenticeship, real experience, and long-term employment in all energy fields.
•         COMPETES Act: Establishes innovative technology federal loan guarantees for small- and medium-sized manufacturers and invests in science, technology, engineering, and math education.



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