Legislative update from Senator Richard Burr on continuing resolution
Story Date: 9/25/2012

  Source: U.S. Senator Richard Burr (N.C.), 9/24/12

Since the Senate has not passed an actual budget in over three years, we were forced to consider a continuing resolution (CR) to keep the federal government funded at current levels for the next six months. There are so many things wrong with this that I don’t even know where to start. First, the reason we were forced to take up a CR is because the Democrat majority hasn’t even introduced a budget in the Senate to be voted on in over three years. Three years. Can you imagine what would happen if you didn’t do your job for three years?

Aside from the fact that it is merely a temporary ‘band-aid’ of a fix, we are spending too much money to begin with, so why continue it at current levels? A responsible budget is a vital first step toward getting our economy back on track and reducing our massive debt. American families understand that times are tough, and they are making sacrifices in order to make ends meet. The federal government, on the other hand, continues to spend like there is no tomorrow. We need a serious budget that will tackle our economic crisis, work towards job creation, and provide for the security of future generations, not more of the same inaction and lack of resolve.

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