Ellmers introduces Bottled Water Quality Information Act
Story Date: 6/27/2014

  Source: PRESS RELEASE, 6/26/14

Congresswoman Renee Ellmers (R-NC-02) released the following statement this afternoon after introducing H.R. 4978 - the Bottled Water Quality Information Act.

"Companies throughout the United States face increasing uncertainty due to a patchwork of laws that vary from state to state. In order to help alleviate these problems, I introduced new legislation today known as the Bottled Water Quality Information Act."
"This legislation will ensure that we have one, national, uniform standard for bottled water quality reports. It will also allow the public to obtain the information they need regarding the safety and quality of the bottled water they consume. This is an important step to providing these businesses with a less burdensome process, while also making consumers lives’ easier."

This morning, Congresswoman Ellmers introduced H.R. 4978 - the Bottled Water Quality Information Act. Consumers should have the ability to obtain clear, consistent and timely information about the safety and quality of their water. This bill would require bottled water companies to provide this information to consumers upon their request.

This has a direct impact not only on companies across America, but back home in Congresswoman Ellmers' district. As Robert Smith of Pure Water said:

“As the owner of a small bottled water company in North Carolina that competes nationally, this legislation will help me grow my business.  Having a federal standard that provides consumers with uniform and consistent information on bottled water safety and quality is important for expanding my access to other markets.  And, it also helps to continue our industry’s tradition of providing consumers with information about the bottled water products they buy.”

Specifically, the bill would direct the FDA to circulate regulations that require bottled water manufacturers and distributors to annually prepare, and make available upon request, a bottled water quality report for each of their bottled water products. Some of the information the report would cover includes the type of water source (e.g., spring, artesian well, public water system, etc.), a brief description of the primary processing and treatment methods used by the bottler, and test results for the microbiological, physical, chemical and radiological quality of the product.

This legislation would also provide a national, uniform bottled water labeling standard.  That standard will better allow the industry to continue their tradition of quickly responding during times of emergency, without the risk of being unnecessarily slowed by contradictory state labeling requirements; and give consumers the confidence to continue to make bottled water a reliable and consistent choice in healthy hydration.

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