National Watermelon Promotion Board campaign touts benefits of hydration
Story Date: 10/20/2015

  Source: PRODUCE NEWS, 10/19/15

Are you wondering where your energy went? Do you blame your lack of "oomph" on your busy schedule or do you assume it's just part of getting older? What about mental energy? Do you think as fast and remember as much as you used to?  While fatigue -- both physical and mental -- is one of the most common health complaints, the answer to waning energy could be as simple as including more watermelon in your diet.

Stephanie Barlow, senior director of communications for the National Watermelon Promotion Board (NWPB), based in Winter Springs, FL, warned that dehydration often is an underlying factor in fatigue. Even mild dehydration reduces blood and oxygen supply to all parts of the body, from brain to muscles. The end result is reduced energy and mental performance. The solution is easy. Stay hydrated! That's where watermelon comes in. It is 92 percent water and a large slice is the equivalent of an eight-ounce glass. What an easy way to stay on top of your game, physically and mentally!

"Last year we put a flag in the ground to claim the hydration message," said Barlow. "It's a natural for us. Our name starts with 'Water'!"

The NWPB has joined forces with registered dietitian Elizabeth Somer to spread the hydration message; NWPB encourages retailers to do the same.

"Fatigue is one of the first signs of dehydration, and by the time you're thirsty, you already are dehydrated," said Somer. "Thirst is not always a good indicator of your fluid needs. If it took a cup of water to quench your thirst, you easily could need twice that much or more to fully hydrate."

Year-Round Hydration
Dehydration gets a lot of press in the summer or with athletes. But, in reality it is a year-round issue for everyone.

"The body doesn't get as hot and sweat evaporates more rapidly in the cold air. Our thirst response also is dulled in cold weather. All of these factors mean it is easy to be tricked into thinking we aren't losing fluids as rapidly in the cooler seasons," warned Somer. Not true. No matter what time of year, don't forget to hydrate! 

"The good news here is that with watermelon imports supplementing our domestic production, the fruit is available throughout the year, and that fits perfectly with our message," said Barlow.

Hydrating our Youth
The NWPB's hydration message is especially targeted at the younger segment of the population. 

"Last year, our consumer survey showed that people, especially millennials, do not drink a lot of water because it lacks flavor," said Barlow. 

Watermelon is the perfect answer. It provides the necessary hydration with the natural sweet flavor of the fruit.

"The nutritional benefits of watermelon go far beyond just chin-dribbling delicious water," said Somer. "Unlike overly sweet or salty bottled thirst quenchers, watermelon is loaded with antioxidant-rich vitamins such as vitamins A and C. Watermelon also contains minerals such as potassium, phytonutrients such as lycopene, and is almost free of cholesterol, fat, and sodium, while being a source of arginine and citrulline, amino acids that may help to maintain healthy blood vessels."

Speaking of Athletes
Watermelon has the ability to compete with sports drinks in helping athletes with the workout recovery.

"We commissioned a study comparing watermelon with sports drinks," said Barlow. "Watermelon was the better choice. It is natural and supplies the right balance of electrolytes, vitamins, magnesium, citrulline, antioxidants and iron.  It maximizes the hydration factor."

As a result, the NWPB sponsors the Marine Corps Marathon, held each October in the nation's capital. At the event this year, on October 24-25, the NWPB will be on hand at the Kids Fun Run and marathon finish festival to hand out a over a truckload of watermelon to the runners. 

"At past marathons, people who participated at the event told us they couldn't stomach water, the only thing they wanted was watermelon," said Barlow. "And those people are influencers in their own right, because they are shoppers with families."

Whether for athletes, millennials, or the average Joe or Josephine, watermelon can help anyone feel better and lead a healthier life.

"Everyone wants to feel good no matter what their 'health esteem' target," said Barlow. "Watermelon is in a unique position to help them achieve that." 

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