US Rep. Walter B. Jones Washington update
Story Date: 2/3/2016


Source: US Rep. Walter B. Jones (NC-3rd), 2/2/16

Dear friend,
As we begin the second session of the 114th Congress, I'd like to give you a recap on the major issues that came up in Congress last year and how I voted on them.  As always, I am in Congress to serve you.  Please contact my office in Greenville at 252-931-1003 or in DC at 202-225-3415 if I can help you in any way!

Working for you in 2015:
Fighting amnesty: We are experiencing an immigration crisis in America, and it's time we secure our border and stop illegal immigration.  That's why I have fought to end sanctuary cities and block tax subsidies for illegal aliens.  I also voted to defund President Obama's executive amnesty last year and reintroduced a bill to track and report crimes committed by illegal aliens to the FBI. 

Obamatrade: Last year I proudly opposed "fast track" Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).  I was honored to win the Defender of the American Economy Award for my efforts against bad trade deals. 
Fighting against the Iran Deal: As Ronald Reagan said, 'trust, but verify," which is why I voted for a bill last May that allowed Congress to review President Obama's Iran Deal.  It is also why I voted against the Iran Deal when it came before Congress in September.  President Obama’s deal fell short because, among other things, it did not provide for adequate inspections and verification.  As a result, the American people would never be able to trust that Iran isn’t cheating its way to a nuclear bomb.

Out of control spending: Our national debt is approaching $19 trillion and is a serious national security threat.  Last year I voted against a big-spending budget that would have increased spending by $23 billion, voted against a deficit-financed bill to temporarily fund the government, voted against raising the debt limit, and against the $1.1 trillion omnibus.  Since 2004, I'm the only member of Congress to vote against every increase in the debt limit and every debt-filled budget bill.

Obamacare: I have consistently voted against Obamacare since it first came through the House.  Last year was no different.  I voted to restore the 40 hour work week slashed by Obamacare, I voted to repeal the Obamacare death panel, and I voted for two repeals of Obamacare.  I also called to defund Obamacare. We must repeal this government takeover of our healthcare system.

Defunding Planned Parenthood: There is no issue more sacred to me than life, which is why I voted to defund Planned Parenthood last year.  I also voted for the Pain Capable Abortion Act, which prevents abortions from being performed after 20 weeks of pregnancy, and voted against a budget reconciliation bill that funded Planned Parenthood.  Click here to read more about my work for the pro-life cause.

Refugees: I am adamantly opposed to importing thousands and thousands of Middle Eastern refugees into the United States like the Obama administration is committed to doing, especially when we can't properly vet who we're bringing in.  That is why I have consistently called to defund President Obama's massive Middle Eastern refugee resettlement program, and rejected a show vote on refugees in the House that did nothing to stop President Obama from continuing to decide how many refugees to let in, and who. 

No Child Left Behind: In July, I voted against extending No Child Left Behind and big-government education, and in December, I voted against the conference report to the No Child Left Behind extension.  I also voted against NCLB when it originally passed the House in 2001 and have consistently opposed federal involvement in education.  Let's get the feds out of the classroom! 

Dredging in ENC: Maintaining Morehead City Harbor, as well as Oregon, Hatteras, and New River Inlets, is a huge priority for the Eastern North Carolina economy.  Last January, I asked the Army Corps of Engineers to allocate money for dredging Morehead City Harbor and Oregon Inlet.  In February, $4.1 million was allocated towards Morehead City and $1.2 million was allocated towards Oregon Inlet.  Just a few days ago, I asked the Corps to allocate funds for more desperately-needed dredging on the coast.

Rest assured that in the year ahead I will continue to do everything I can to fight for the issues important to you.
Thank you,

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