FSIS updates non-GMO label process for meat products
Story Date: 9/22/2016


Source: MEATINGPLACE, 9/21/16

USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) has released a new procedure that allows certified organic meat and poultry producers to obtain approval of non-GMO (genetically modified organisms) label claims based on their organic certification.

USDA organic regulations already require certified operations to obtain approval from their certifier for labels that use the term “organic” or display the USDA organic seal.

Now, a certified organic meat or poultry processor can modify or add a label claim to a previously approved label unde the updated procedures.

Non-GMO label claims must be carefully worded so they do not confuse or mislead consumers, USDA said. They may make a specific claim regarding the process that was accomplished without the use of genetically modified materials. For example, FSIS may allow an expedited label claim for an organic poultry product that states, “Chicken raised on a diet containing no genetically engineered ingredients.” 

The change was made because the newly passed National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Act states that organic certification is sufficient to make claims about the absence of bioengineered ingredients, such as “non-GMO,” USDA said. Also, the Food and Drug Administration recently clarified its policy to accept claims that products do not contain genetically modified ingredients, including “non-GMO” statements. 

Proper label use will be verified during routine FSIS certification inspections.

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