Russet (Russet) W. Perry (D-SS31)
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Capitol: 804.698.7531
FAX: 804.698.7651
District: 703.835.4845
District FAX: 703.538.2486
Room 506 General Assembly Building 201 North Ninth Street
Richmond, VA 23219

District Office:
18 East Market Street
Leesburg, VA 20178
Elected: 2023    Next Election: 2027
Committee Assignments
MemberSubcommittee on Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC)
MemberSenate Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources
MemberSenate Committee on Privileges and Elections
MemberSenate Committee on Rehabilitation and Social Services
MemberSenate Committee on Courts of Justice
Counties Representing
Arlington / Fairfax / Loudoun


Russet Perry started working and living in Loudoun County in 2006. After graduating Summa Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa with two degrees from The George Washington University, Russet took her first job in Loudoun County, working full time to help fund her schooling at the Georgetown University Law Center. At Georgetown, Russet focused on issues related to advocacy, criminal justice, women, and minorities - ultimately securing a spot in the Georgetown Law Domestic Violence Clinic. In the Clinic, Russet was honored to represent indigent D.C. residents in D.C. Superior Court in mediation and in seeking protective orders from abusive relationships.

Now, Russet seeks to expand her fierce and compassionate advocacy to fight for ALL Virginians; ensuring the protection of our citizens and our rights and making life better, safer, and more secure for everyone- that's why she's running for State Senate.

Russet lives with her husband, two children, two dogs, and three cats in Round Hill. In her spare time she particularly enjoys international and domestic travel and exploring locations of historical and/or cultural significance.

Since completing her education, Russet has continued to dedicate her life to public service and helping people. As a prosecutor in the Loudoun County Commonwealth's Attorney's office, Russet successfully prosecuted all manner of charges, including domestic assault, stalking, elder abuse, rape, child exploitation, child abuse, offenses involving firearms, robbery, felony assault, and murder. She also was deeply involved in starting up and serving on the Mental Health and Drug Court Dockets.

Russet also served as a CIA Officer, receiving multiple awards for her work. At CIA, she worked every day, alongside people of various ideologies for a higher cause- protecting American citizens, our nation, and ultimately our democracy. As a child, Russet's five person family struggled financially. Her father was a public school teacher with chronic illness, and her mother was a student, who returned to school after surviving Stage IV breast cancer. The struggles she encountered as a result of that upbringing made her passionate about issues surrounding the cost of living, families being able to put food on the table, having access to affordable health care, and the necessity for excellent and safe public schools with well paid public school teachers.

Now, Russet seeks to expand her fierce and compassionate advocacy to fight for ALL Virginians; ensuring the protection of our citizens and our rights and making life better, safer, and more secure for everyone- that's why she's running for State Senate.

Russet lives with her husband, two children, two dogs, and three cats in Round Hill. In her spare time she particularly enjoys international and domestic travel and exploring locations of historical and/or cultural significance.