Capitol: 225.342.2040 FAX: 225.342.1140 District: 318.484.2288
Room B-254 State Capitol 900 North Third Street Baton Rouge, LA 70804
District Office: 1010 Main Street Pineville, LA 71360
Elected: 2015 Next Election: 2027 | Spouse: Carman St. Amant |
BioYear Elected- 2015
Eligible to serve through the end of the 2024-2028 Term
Judiciary A, Vice Chair
Health and Welfare
Revenue and Fiscal Affairs
Atchafalaya Basin Program Oversight Committee
Joint Legislative Committee on Capital Outlay
Legislative Audit Advisory Council
Senate Select Committee on Homeland Security
Caucuses & Delegations
Central Louisiana Delegation Caucus
Democratic Caucus