April (April) Rose (R-SH05B)
Email - Web Site

Capitol: 301.858.3070
FAX: 410.946.5080
District: 301.858.3070
Room 213 Lowe House Office Building 6 Bladen Street
Annapolis, MD 21401-1912

District Office:
6 Bladen Street
Annapolis, MD 21401-1912
Elected: 2015    Next Election: 2026
Committee Assignments
MemberSubcommittee on Banking, Consumer Protection and Commercial Law
MemberSubcommittee on Unemployment Insurance
MemberSubcommittee on Property and Casualty Insurance
MemberJoint Committee on Legislative Policy
MemberJoint Committee on Children, Youth, and Families
MemberHouse Committee on Economic Matters
Counties Representing


Appointed to the Maryland House of Delegates on March 13, 2015. Sworn in on March 16, 2015. Elected to the Maryland House of Delegates in 2018. Member of the House of Delegates since January 9, 2019.

Current Assignments 2021 Assistant Minority Leader 2023 Economic Matters Committee 2023 Banking, Consumer Protection, and Commercial Law Subcommittee of the Economic Matters Committee 2023 Property and Casualty Insurance Subcommittee of the Economic Matters Committee 2023 Unemployment Subcommittee of the Economic Matters Committee 2019 Joint Committee on Children, Youth, and Families 2022 Chair, Carroll County House Delegation 2015 Women Legislators of Maryland 2015 Maryland Veterans Caucus Past House Service Deputy Minority Whip, 2019; Ways and Means Committee, 2017-2023; Education Subcommittee of the Ways and Means Committee, 2017-2023; Racing and Gaming Subcommittee of the Ways and Means Committee, 2020-2023; Finance Resources Subcommittee of the Ways and Means Committee, 2017-2019; Health and Government Operations Committee, 2015-2017; Estates and Trusts Subcommittee of the Health and Government Operations Committee, 2015-2017; Government Operations and Long Term Care Subcommittee of the Health and Government Operations Committee, 2015-2017; Joint Audit and Evaluation Committee, 2019-2021.

Public Service Board of Elections, Carroll County, 2014-2015.

Memberships Maryland Military Installation Caucus, 2017-; South Carroll Republican Club (past president, vice-president, secretary), 2002-2008.

Biographical Information Born in Salisbury, Maryland; Arlington Baptist High School, Baltimore, Maryland; Villa Julie College, 1986-1987; Underwriter, Countrywide Home Loans, 2001-2005; Licensed Realtor, Main Street America Realty, LLC, 2005-2008; Events Coordinator and Fundraiser, Maryland Republican Party, 2008-2009; Communications Coordinator, Maryland Republican Caucus, 2010; Vice-President, Special Projects, Maryland Taxpayers Association, 2006-2008; Recruiter and Human Resources Manager, NMR Consulting, 2009 -; Faith Family Church, Gamber, Maryland; Four children.