Steven (Steve) J. Arentz (R-SH36B)
Email - Web Site - Twitter

Capitol: 410.841.3543
FAX: 410.841.3098
District: 301.858.3543
Room 308 Lowe House Office Building 6 Bladen Street
Annapolis, MD 21401-1912

District Office:
6 Bladen Street
Annapolis, MD 21401-1912
Elected: 2013    Next Election: 2026
DOB: 4/17/1951
Committee Assignments
MemberSubcommittee on Unemployment Insurance
MemberSubcommittee on Workers' Compensation
MemberSubcommittee on Alcoholic Beverages
ChairmanHouse Delegation Committee on Queen Anne's
MemberHouse Committee on Economic Matters
MemberJoint Committee on Audit and Evaluation
Counties Representing
Caroline / Cecil / Kent / Queen Anne's


Appointed November 8, 2013, and sworn in on November 19, 2013 Current Assignments 2015 Economic Matters Committee 2015 Alcoholic Beverages Subcommittee of the Economic Matters Committee 2015 Workers' Compensation Subcommittee of the Economic Matters Committee 2019 Unemployment Insurance Subcommittee of the Economic Matters Committee 2019 Joint Audit and Evaluation Committee 2014 Chair, Queen Anne's County Delegation 2014 Eastern Shore Delegation (Chair, 2019-2022) Past House Service Deputy Minority Whip, 2017-2021; Appropriations Committee, 2014; Consumer Protection and Commercial Law Subcommittee of the Economic Matters Committee, 2015-2019; Property and Casualty Insurance Subcommittee of the Economic Matters Committee, 2019-2023; Joint Audit Committee, 2015-2019.

Public Service Bainbridge Development Advisory Board, 2013-; County Commissioner, Queen Anne's County, 2010-2013; Upper Shore Regional Council, 2010-2013; Fort George G. Meade Regional Growth Management Committee, 2010-2013; Queen Anne's County Economic Development Commission (former Chair), 2007-2010; Queen Anne's County Chamber of Commerce (former Chair), 2005-2006.

Biographical Information Born in Hollywood, California, April 17, 1951; Allegheny Community College, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Control Data Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Newbury Junior College, Brookline, Massachusetts; Owner and operator of Hemingway's Restaurant, Stevensville, MD, 1996-2010; Realtor, Coldwell Banker; Married; two children.