Wayne (Wayne) A. Hartman (R-SH38C)
Email - Web Site - Twitter
Capitol: 410.841.3356 FAX: 410.841.3273 District: 301.858.3356
Room 213 Lowe House Office Building 6 Bladen Street Annapolis, MD 21401-1912
District Office: 6 Bladen Street Annapolis, MD 21401
Elected: 2018 Next Election: 2026 | Spouse: Sharon DOB: 12/14/1967 |
BioFirst elected to the Maryland House of Delegates in 2018. Member of the House since January 9, 2019.
Current Assignments
2023 Chief Deputy Minority Whip
2020 Ways and Means Committee
2023 Racing and Gaming Subcommittee of the Ways and Means Committee
2023 Revenues Subcommittee of the Ways and Means Committee
2019 Chair, Worcester County House Delegation
Past House Service
Local Revenues Subcommittee of the Ways and Means Committee, 2021-2023; Education Subcommittee of the Ways and Means Committee, 2020-2023; Early Childhood Subcommittee of the Ways and Means Committee, 2020; Judiciary Committee, 2019-2020; Civil Law and Procedure Subcommittee of the Judiciary Committee, 2019-2020; Criminal Law and Procedure Subcommittee of the Judiciary Committee, 2019-2020.
Public Service
Board Member, Atlantic General Hospital Foundation.
Board Member, Atlantic General Hospital Foundation, 2019-; Ocean City Development Corporation Board of Directors (Treasurer and Downtown Design, Revenue/Parking, Business Recruitment Committees), 2009-2016; Worcester County Planning Commission (Vice Chair and Technical Advisory Committee), 2009-2014.
Biographical Information
Born, Baltimore, Maryland, December 14, 1967; Eastern Vocational Technical High School, 1985; University of Phoenix, B.S., Business Administration, 2006; Councilman, Town of Ocean City, 2014-2018 (Chair, Recreation and Parks Committee, 2016-2018); Town Council of Ocean City 2014-2018 (ADA Committee, Police Commission, Property Review Enforcement for Safe Housing); Owner, Wayne Hartman Management, LLC, 2008-; Married; two children.