Warren (Warren) Daniel (R-SS46)
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Capitol: 919.715.7823
FAX: 919.715.2880
District: 828.433.0700
North Carolina State Senate
Room 627 Legislative Office Building 300 North Salisbury Street
Raleigh, NC 27603

District Office:
PO Box 1854
Morganton, NC 28680
Elected: 2010    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Lydia Furr   
Committee Assignments
Co-ChairJoint Legislative Oversight Committee on Elections
ChairmanSenate Committee on Elections
ChairmanSubcommittee on Justice and Public Safety
MemberSenate Select Committee on Nominations
MemberJoint Commission on Legislative Research
MemberJoint Commission on Legislative Services
ChairmanSenate Committee on Judiciary
Vice ChairSenate Committee on Rules and Operations of the Senate
MemberJoint Legislative Oversight Committee on Justice and Public Safety
MemberSenate Committee on Finance
MemberJoint Legislative Commission on Governmental Operations
MemberSenate Committee on Pensions and Retirement and Aging
MemberSenate Committee on Appropriations/Base Budget
Counties Representing
Buncombe / Burke / Cleveland / McDowell


Warren Daniel is a successful attorney and small businessman who was raised in Burke County.

He graduated from West Point with a Bachelor of Science degree in National Security and Public Affairs, and was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the Army Field Artillery, where he served our country for the next six years in rapid deployment units and as an assistant professor of military science at Utah State University.

For the past 12 years, Daniel has represented hundreds of clients and argued cases at every level of the North Carolina court system.

He and his wife, Lydia, have three daughters. Warren serves on the deacon board, as a substitute Sunday school teacher, and in the AWANA children's program at their local church.

Daniel is the Chair of the Senate Judiciary II Committee, and his serving his second term.