Capitol: 803.212.6719 FAX: 803.734.2925 District: 843.442.8371
Representative South Carolina House of Representatives
Room 327-A Blatt Building 1105 Pendleton Street Columbia, SC 29201
District Office: 1125 Pinefield Drive Daniel Island, SC 29492
Elected: 2020 Next Election: 2026 | Spouse: Elayne Forastiere DOB: 6/18/1970 |
BioSmall Business Owner
Residing at 1125 Pinefield Dr., Daniel Island
Born June 18, 1970 in Bamberg
Son of the late Randy Smith and Linda Bunch Duffie
Fayettevile Technical College, A.A., 1993
October 24, 1993 married to Elayne Forastiere, 3 sons, Parker, Avery, and Domenic
President & CEO, McAlister-Smith Funeral Homes, Inc.
Town Councilman, Mt. Pleasant, 2013
Graduate, S.C. Municipal Elected Officials Institute, 2015
Past President, East Cooper Republican Club
President, Daniel Island Republican Club
Member, Daniel Island Rotary Club
past Pres., Rotary Club of Charleston
Past Chairman, Low Country Food Bank
Past Chairman, S.C. Aging in Place Council
Past Chairman, Cremation Association of North America
Past VC, S.C Alzheimer's Association
Volunteer participant, Water Missions International, Water System Installations in both Ecuador and Peru
Chairman, Roper St. Francis Mt. Pleasant Hospital Board, 2020-
Past Chairman, S.C. Advisory Committee on Aging, 2020-
Member, St. Clare of Assisi Catholic Church, Daniel Island