Harriet (Harriet) A. Holman (R-SH102)
Email - Web Site

Capitol: 803.734.2010
FAX: 803.734.2925
District: 678.270.0421
South Carolina House of Representatives
Blatt Building 1105 Pendleton Street
Columbia, SC 29201

District Office:
PO Box 54
Ridgeville, SC 29472
Elected: 2024    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Herman   
Committee Assignments
MemberHouse Committee on Medical, Military, Public and Municipal Affairs
Counties Representing
Berkeley / Dorchester


Holman, of Harleyville, was first elected to Dorchester County Council in 2018 in a special election, succeeding the late Willie Davis after his passing. She was re-elected to the county council in 2022.

Holman has a Bachelor of Arts degree from Jackson State University and a Master of Business Administration degree from Claflin University.

Holman and her husband, Herman, have made their home in Dorchester County for more than 14 years after they both retired from the military. They have actively supported community initiatives, including the Department of Disabled Veterans, American Legion Post 128, Dorchester Heritage Center, St. George Rotary Club, the St. George Rosenwald School and Dorchester Habitat for Humanity.