Gary (Gary) S. Brewer, Jr. (R-SH114)
Email - Web Site - Twitter
Capitol: 803.212.6948 FAX: 803.734.2925 District: 843.214.5174
Speaker of the House South Carolina House of Representatives
Room 310-A Blatt Building 1105 Pendleton Street Columbia, SC 29201
District Office: 2329 South Lander Lane Charleston, SC 29414
Elected: 2022 Next Election: 2026 | Spouse: Kelsi Childress |
BioVP, Construction Servs. at HDR Engineering of S.C.
Residing in West Ashley
Born in Summerville
Attended The Citadel
Married Kelsi Childress
Bd. Mem.- The ARK of S.C., The Dorchester Children's Center
S.C. Port Ambassador, 2016
A Steady Hand (Co-Founding Putting for Parkinson's)
Trident Tech Bd. of Trustees
OMAR Shriner
Liberty Fellow Class of 2023