Lawrence (Larry) K. Grooms (R-SS37)
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Capitol: 803.212.6400
FAX: 803.212.6299
District: 843.825.4671
South Carolina State Senate
Room 313 Gressette Building 1101 Pendleton Street
Columbia, SC 29201

District Office:
131 Indian Field Drive
Bonneau, SC 29431
Elected: 1997    Next Election: 2028
Spouse: Carol Elaine Anderson   DOB: 3/20/1964
Committee Assignments
ChairmanSenate Committee on Transportation
MemberSenate Committee on Finance
MemberSenate Committee on Education
MemberSenate Committee on Ethics
MemberSenate Committee on Rules
Counties Representing
Berkeley / Charleston


Businessman Clemson University, B.S., 1987 Married to Carol Anderson, 3 children Christian, Saved by Grace, April 1987 Board of Visitors, Charleston Southern University, 1996- Board member, United Methodist Relief Center, 2003-08 Executive Committee, Berkeley County Republican Party, 1996-08 Life member, National Rifle Association Life member, National Association of Texaco and Shell Marketers Significant Contribution Award, MADD, 1998 Legislative Achievement Award, Charleston More Than a Port, 2002 Commendation for Service to and Support of Farmers, Agricuture Commission of South Carolina, 2002 Legislative Appreciation Award, Agriculture Commission of South Carolina, 2002 Raising the Standard Award, Heritage Commission Services, 2003 National Legislative Impact Award, National Abstinence Clearinghouse, 2004 Outstanding Service Award, American Legion Department of South Carolina, 2004 Legislator of the Year, Carolina's Independent Automobile Dealers Association, 2004 Legislator of the Year, South Carolina Public Charter School Association, 2004 Friend to the Taxpayer Award, South Carolina Association of Taxpayers, 2004 Legislator of the Year, South Carolina Farm Bureau, 2005 Legislator of the Year, South Carolina Poultry Federation, 2006 Humane State Legislator Award, Humane Society of United States, 2006 Board member, Southern Methodist College, 2006- Advisory Board member, National Council on Bible Curriculum, 2007- Legislative Service Award, Sweetgrass Market Place Coalition, 2007 Palmetto Leadership Award, South Carolina Policy Council, 2007, 2008 Senate Legislative Champion Award (for outstanding leadership in the defense of faith, family, and freedom), Palmetto Family Council, 2007-2008, 2011-2012, 2015-2016 Legislator of the Year, Construction Network of the Carolinas, 2008 The Westendorff Award for Service to Those in Need, United Methodist Relief Center, 2008 Leadership Award, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, 2008 Legislator of the Year, Maritime Association of South Carolina, 2008, 2009 Friend of Transit Award, Transportation Association of South Carolina, 2009 Legislator of the Year, South Carolina Fraternal Order of Police, 2009 Legislator of the Year, Palmetto Charter Network, 2009 Business Advocate Award, South Carolina Chamber of Commerce, 2010 Peas and Carrots Award for improving environmental and economic quality of life, Citizens for Sound Conservation, 2010 Legislative Leader Award, ABATE of South Carolina, 2010 Legislative Service Recognition, Boeing, 2010 Panama Canal Authority recognition, Canal de Panama, 2010 Boeing Leadership Award, Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce, 2010 100% Business Advocate Award, South Carolina Chamber of Commerce, 2010 Golden Apple Award, South Carolina Chapter, National Coalition for Public School Options, 2011 Political Courage Award, Berkeley County Republican Party, 2011 Support of Liberty Award, ABATE of South Carolina, 2012 Sword and Mace Award (for score of 100 for promotion and protection of the free, private and competitive enterprise system), South Carolina BIPEC, 2012 Pro-Life Legislator of the Year, South Carolina Citizens for Life, 2012 Past Chairman, Deacon Board, First Baptist Church, St. Stephen Member, Pointe North Community Church, Moncks Corner Honorary Lt. Colonel, South Carolina DNR, 2014 Trident Technical College, Champion for Economic Development Award, 2015, 2016 Barrett Lawrimore Leadership Award, Charleston Area Convention & Visitors Bureau, 2015 South Carolina Champion of School Choice Award, 2015 Legislative Appreciation Award, SC Association of Conservation Districts, 2013 Public Servant Award, South Carolina Baptist Convention, 2013 Chairman and Founder, South Carolina Legislative Prayer Caucus 2016- Pro-Life Legislator of the Year, South Carolina Citizens for Life, 2016