Capitol: 803.212.6056 FAX: 803.212.6299 District: 843.494.4055
Senator South Carolina State Senate
Room 613 Gressette Building 1101 Pendleton Street Columbia, SC 29201
District Office: 121 Londonderry Road Goose Creek, SC 29445
Elected: 2020 Next Election: 2028 | Spouse: Michelle Lynn DOB: 12/27/1969 |
BioRetired Police Officer/Co-owner, Tri-County Appraisals
Residing at 121 Londonderry Rd., Goose Creek
Born December 27, 1969 in Mt. Clemens, MI
Son of David S. and Dorothy A. Adams
Graduated Stratford High School, 1989
November 19, 1994 married Michelle Lynn Adams, 4 children, Ryan Scott, Tyler Hunter, Lauren Nicole and Dylan Nicholas
Sergeant over Detectives at NCPD, 2008
Commander Lieutenant over the S.T.A.N.D. program, 2015 (featured on Dateline)
Lt. over Specialized Units, 2016
Member, Board of Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee, 2016
Lieutenant over School Resource Officers, 2018