Capitol: 608.266.2517 FAX: 608.266.0643 District: 715.682.0285
Room 123 South State Capitol 2 East Main Street Madison, WI 53702
District Office: 2 East Main Street Madison, WI 53702
Elected: 2022 Next Election: 2026 | DOB: 7/30/1990 |
BioRepresentative Romaine Quinn was first elected to the Wisconsin State Assembly in 2014. Romaine was born and raised in Rice Lake where he attended St. Joseph's as well as Rice Lake High School. He was elected to serve on the Rice Lake City Council at the age of 18 and was elected Mayor of Rice Lake at the age of 19. Serving as mayor taught Romaine the intricacies of governing and the importance of working with a local constituency.
Romaine attended UW-Barron County in Rice Lake and earned a B.A. in political science and public leadership from UW-Green Bay. Prior to his election to the Wisconsin State Assembly, Romaine worked as a salesman at Viking Coca Cola's Rice Lake branch. Romaine is also a member of the Wisconsin Wing of the Civil Air Patrol Legislative Squadron. The Civil air Patrol is the official Auxiliary of the United States Air Force.
Committees 2019-2020
Assembly Standing Committees-
Committee on Science and Technology (Chair)
Committee on Sporting Heritage (Vice-Chair)
Blue Ribbon Commission on School Funding
Committee on Colleges and Universities
Committee on Education
Committee on Housing and Real Estate
Committee on Regulatory Licensing Reform
Committee on Rural Development