BioBorn and Raised in the Badger State
Tammy Baldwin was born in Madison, Wisconsin. She was raised by her grandfather, a biochemist at the University of Wisconsin, and her Nana, a talented seamstress and head costume designer in the UW Theater Department.
When Tammy was nine years old, she came down with a serious illness similar to spinal meningitis. She spent three months in the hospital. But even after she got better, insurance companies refused to cover her because of her "pre-existing condition" label.
Tammy took these lessons to heart and championed important reforms in the Affordable Care Act. Her push to allow kids to stay on their parents' insurance plans until they are 26 years old has helped cover millions of young Americans. Her leadership in protecting people with illnesses has made sure no one is denied care because of a pre-existing condition.
Tammy was raised by her grandparents because her mother struggled with mental illness, chronic pain, and drug abuse. Tammy had to grow-up fast as her mother struggled with addiction to prescription drugs her entire life. So when the opioid epidemic spread across Wisconsin, devastating countless families and entire communities, Tammy worked to make sure Washington finally stepped up and supported local prevention, treatment and recovery efforts in Wisconsin.
As her Nana grew older, Tammy served as her primary caregiver, a challenging but deeply rewarding experience. She saw firsthand the importance of strengthening and protecting Wisconsinites' earned benefits of Medicare and Social Security. And as a Senator, Tammy worked across party lines to pass bipartisan legislation into law to support family caregivers across America.
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Beginnings in Public Service
Tammy attended public schools, graduating from Madison West High School and went on to Smith College to double-major in government and mathematics. After graduation, she worked on pay equity issues in the Wisconsin governor's office before beginning her studies at the University of Wisconsin Law School.