Capitol: 334.261.0888 FAX: 334.399.2485 District: 256.539.5441
Senator Alabama State Senate
Suite 726 Alabama State House 11 South Union Street Montgomery, AL 36130-4600
District Office: 11 South Union Street Montgomery, AL 36130-4600
Elected: 2014 Next Election: 2026 | Spouse: Lynn |
BioProfession- Anesthesiologist; Clinical Researcher; Farmer
Education- B.S. University of North Alabama- M.D., University of Alabama at Birmingham; Residency, University of South Alabama
Memberships and Activities- American Medical Association; American Society of Anesthesiologist; and the National Federation of Independent Business (N.F.I.B.). He served on the following 2014-2018 committees- Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry; Constitution, Ethics & Elections; County & Municipal Government; Finance and Taxation General Fund; Health and Human Services; Fiscal Responsibility and Economic Development; Tourism & Marketing; and Local Legislation Madison County. Member of the Senate since 2014.