Betsy (Betsy) Holland (D-SH054)
Email - Web Site - Twitter

Capitol: 404.656.0116
FAX: 404.656.5644
District: 331.303.0507
Georgia House of Representatives
Room 409-B Coverdell Legislative Office Building 18 Capitol Square, SW
Atlanta, GA 30334

District Office:
535 Pine Tree Drive, NE
Atlanta, GA 30305
Elected: 2018    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Jason   
Committee Assignments
MemberHouse Committee on Intragovernmental Coordination
MemberHouse Committee on Creative Arts and Entertainment
MemberHouse Committee on Higher Education
MemberHouse Committee on Small Business Development
Counties Representing


Representative Holland represents House District 54, which includes portions of Fulton County. Betsy is the vice president for corporate social responsibility at WarnerMedia. In this role, Betsy oversees contributions and nonprofit partnerships, employee engagement, disaster relief and volunteerism programs for the United States and Canada across WarnerMedia. Prior to this role, Betsy was the director of culture and engagement for Turner Broadcasting. Before that, Betsy served as the director of corporate responsibility and civic affairs. In 1997, she began her tenure at Turner in the corporate affairs group. During her early career, she developed and executed programs that promoted employee engagement, including launching Turner Volunteer Day and the Turner Voices Youth Media Institute. She led the development of the Turner Voices philanthropic strategy to fund local organizations that support innovative youth leadership and emerging arts programs. Betsy previously served on the board of directors of the Georgia Chamber of Commerce and the Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce's ChooseATL Committee. She is also the past-chair of the board of the directors for the nonprofit Fugees Family. She has also served on the boards of Communities in Schools, the Atlanta Community ToolBank and ToolBank USA. Betsy is an active member at Morningside Presbyterian Church, where she volunteers as a Sunday School teacher and leads a women's program focused on community issues and social justice. Betsy resides in Atlanta with her family.