Steven (Steven) Meeks (R-SH178)
Email - Web Site

Capitol: 404.656.7857
FAX: 404.656.5644
District: 912.207.0813
Georgia House of Representatives
Room 401-H State Capitol 206 Washington Street, SW
Atlanta, GA 30334

District Office:
PO Box 178
Screven, GA 31560
Elected: 2018    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Joy   
Committee Assignments
ChairmanSubcommittee on Economic Development
MemberHouse Committee on Budget and Fiscal Affairs Oversight
MemberHouse Committee on Small Business Development
MemberHouse Committee on Creative Arts and Entertainment
MemberHouse Committee on Appropriations
MemberHouse Committee on Game, Fish, and Parks
MemberHouse Committee on Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications
MemberHouse Committee on Agriculture and Consumer Affairs
Counties Representing
Appling / Bacon / Brantley / Pierce / Wayne


State Representative Steven Meeks represents House District 178, which includes portions of Appling, Brantley, Pierce and Wayne counties. For over two decades, Steven has worked with Georgia's leading industry, impacting the direction of agriculture policy at the state and federal levels. For more than twelve years he worked for Senator Saxby Chambliss in a variety of roles including Legislative Director for the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry. Meeks was an instrumental part of numerous pieces of federal legislation affecting Georgia's agricultural industry including two farm bills. Meeks also served as Chambliss' State Director serving as a liaison between Georgia and DC, managing the Senator's state offices and staff. In 2010, Steven moved to Wayne County to become a part of the family-business Burch Farms. Today he serves as Operations Manager for Burch Farms as well as operating his own business, Nine Run Farms. He has been recognized numerous times for his work in agriculture, including the Young Alumni Achievement Award by the University of Georgia's College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences and Georgia Trend's Agribusiness Movers and Shakers. He also served as a member of Governor Nathan Deal's Transition Team. Today, Meeks is a board member of the Georgia Cotton Commission, Southern Cotton Growers, and a delegate to the National Cotton Council. He serves on the UGA College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Deans Advisory Council and as a member of the Board of Trustees for Leadership Georgia. Locally, he serves on the Board of Directors for the Georgia Easter Seals and is a member of the Wayne County Chamber of Commerce. Steven graduated from the University of Georgia College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences. He resides in Screven with his wife Joy, and their son, John William. They are members of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Blackshear.