Fred (Fred) Crespo (D-SH044)
Email - Web Site - Twitter

Capitol: 217.782.0347
FAX: 217.782.3885
District: 630.372.3340
Room 261-S Stratton Office Building 401 South Spring Street
Springfield, IL 62706

District Office:
1014 East Schaumburg Road
Streamwood, IL 60107
Elected: 2006    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Dorothy   
Committee Assignments
ChairmanHouse Committee on Appropriations - General Services
MemberHouse Committee on International Relations Tourism and Trade
MemberHouse Committee on Elementary and Secondary Education: Education Policy
MemberHouse Committee on Public Utilities
Counties Representing


Full-time state legislator; graduate of Loyola University-Chicago; leadership board, Women In Need Growing Stronger (WINGS), which provides services and housing to victims of domestic violence; 2012 National Association on Mental Illness Legislator of the Year; former Hoffman Estates trustee; Chairman of the Legislative Audit Commission- married, has two children.