Capitol: 217.782.1051 FAX: 217.782.1275 District: 618.472.8158
Room 223-N Stratton Office Building 401 South Spring Street Springfield, IL 62706
District Office: 2929 Broadway Street Mt. Vernon, IL 62864
Elected: 2016 Next Election: 2026 | Spouse: Penny |
Bio116th District State Representative Dave Severin is serving his fourth term in office. He represents all or parts of Edwards, Franklin, Hamilton, Jefferson, Marion, Wabash, Washington, Wayne, and White Counties. Dave is a small business owner in Benton; Previously served on the Benton grade school board for over 29 years, the Board of Directors for Centerstone community health not-for-profit for over 16 years, is a member of the Benton Lions Club, and an active member of the Whittington Church for over 20 years. Dave and his wife Penny have been married for over 40 years; their son Travis and his family also reside in Benton.